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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Taming the Media Monster

Would you be upset to learn that someone was competing for your mate’s heart, subtly sending negative messages about you, and seeking to horn in on your marriage by robbing the two of you of…

Tal Prince Speaks on Breaking Free from Porn Addiction

One of my buddies, Tal Prince, tells his story about recovery from porn addiction in this video. I love what Tal says about porn and sex addiction being classified as an “intimacy disorder.” To be…

Teaching Your Kids to Make a Covenant With Their Eyes

She sat across from her 14-year-old son, John, asking him what she knew was an uncomfortable question. “Have you been looking at pornography?” His face reddened. Hers turned an ashen white as he admitted to…

Why I’ll Never Stop Using Covenant Eyes

The following is an e-mail we received from one of our members, Jeremy Adelman. Jeremy is a recent graduate of North Dakota State University. We’ve re-published it here with his permission. I first started using…

Porn Exposed: Strengthening a Marriage Invaded by Lust

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 79 [display_podcast] Today I’m speaking with George and Ashley Weis. A while back Ashley found a pornography link on their home computer. This was how George’s secret obsession was discovered.…

How to Lock Down FaceTime on Your iPhone

The iPhone® 4 is like something out of the Jetsons. It really is a remarkable phone. One of the newest and neatest features is FaceTime, enabling people to have two-way video conversations. Unfortunately, the adult…

Image for article: Trip Lee Speaks About His Song, “Covenant Eyes”

Trip Lee Speaks About His Song, “Covenant Eyes”

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 78 Today we interview Trip Lee and Derek Minor about their track, “Covenant Eyes,” on Trip’s newest album, Between Two Worlds. They speak about how hard it is to stay pure…

Image for article: Teens and Porn: 10 Stats You Need to Know

Teens and Porn: 10 Stats You Need to Know

Two years ago, several hundred college students filled out an online survey to help researchers understand how prevalent exposure to pornography was among adolescents. Here are some of the results: Teens and porn use is…

Porn: The Tobacco of Today

Is the porn of today like the tobacco of 50 years ago? Mary Eberstadt, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, thinks so, and she outlines some of the striking similarities in her Policy Review…