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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Have Video Games Replaced Reading?

In some states, the percentage of boys proficient in reading is more than ten points below that of girls. The male-female reading gap is found across the board—in every socioeconomic and ethnic category. Everyone agrees…

The Mortification of Sin (Part 1 of 15)

“Set faith at work on Christ for the killing of your sin. His blood is the great sovereign remedy for sin-sick souls. Live in this, and you will die a conqueror; yea, you will, through…

Set Apart for Purity: Interview with Eric and Leslie Ludy

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 86 [display_podcast] Today on Covenant Eyes Radio we are speaking with Eric and Leslie Ludy. Eric and Leslie have published 18 books, including the top-selling, When God Writes Your Love…

Image for article: Seven Reasons Why Guys Like Porn

Seven Reasons Why Guys Like Porn

This chapter has recently been added to a new e-book, Porn-Free Church: Raising up gospel communities to destroy secret sins. Download this book for free on our website. Download Chapter 2: “Seven Reasons Why Guys…

Survey Results: How Safe Is Your Family Online?

We recently returned from the Desiring God National Conference in Minneapolis. We were curious about people’s opinions concerning Internet safety software. We received nearly 1000 responses to our survey. Here are the results: Is Your…

Be Informed. Be Brave: Parenting Kids in the Internet Age

Kids and teens are “digital natives.” Parents are usually not. Children are growing up online. Digital media is the air they breathe. For example, 70% of America’s young people use the Internet daily. Teens spend…

Should You Be Afraid of Facebook Places?

Facebook Places is the newest app for Smartphone users that allows you to mark your current location on planet Earth. Similar to Gowalla or FourSquare, this geo-location service allows you to “check in” at a…

Finding Authentic Accountability

Accountability is a buzzword in churches today. To some adults, accountability denotes a staunchy legalism, an unnecessary prop that blemishes authentic freedom from sin. To others, this habit of regularly bringing their struggles before others…

Full Interview with Shelley Lubben

Recently I had the privilege of conversing with ex-porn star Shelley Lubben. In a culture where porn is popular and sexual media is rampant, Shelley stands as powerful voice of reason. No one shatters the…