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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

What is Cyberbullying?

Tips For Concerned Parents cy•ber•bul•ly•ing (‘sī-bər-,bů-lē-iŋ) noun, the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages, images, or videos directed to or about another person, often done anonymously Many children spend unmonitored time online. Over 50% of teens…

The Debate Over Net Neutrality Continues

  The issue of “net neutrality” has been hotly debated for years. On December 21, the FCC issued a new order, hoping to preserve an “open network” for consumers and investors, but not everyone is…

Will the UK Block All Internet Porn?

The UK government has asked Internet service providers to figure out a way to block all pornography online in order to prevent children from being exposed to it. The initiative has prompted a lively debate,…

Accountability as a Lifestyle (Part 2): Relationships

I’ve never been in a church where I didn’t meet someone who had been burned by “accountability.” It is easy, in our quest for holiness, to build superficial relationships we hope will motivate us to…

Help for Porn Addiction: 3 Critical Steps for Accountability Partners

Often I’ve wondered what I would learn if I was a fly on the wall of a counselor’s office. I don’t feel a great need to snoop on others’ private problems; I just feel there…

Three Things You May Not Know About Covenant Eyes

Tens of thousands of people use our Internet Accountability and Filtering services. But there are cool features that even some of our members don’t know a lot about. Here are three features we want you…

The Mortification of Sin (Part 12 of 15)

How much poison should we tolerate in our food? Sounds like a silly question, doesn’t it? None, of course. And yet when it comes to the poison of sin, often we take a very utilitarian…

The Medium is the Message: The Subtle Danger of Too Much Time Online

Our friends over at FOSI (Family Online Safety Institute) recently made a video about how the Internet is used in homes throughout the world. There are a lot of informative statistics used here. Many of…

Porn Culture: How It Impacts Our Daughters

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 92 [powerpress] How does pornography impact youth culture, especially young women? Exploring this questions with us today is Cris Clapp Logan, Director of Communications and Congressional Relations for Enough is…