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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Children’s Film, Hop, Features the Playboy Mansion

Have you taken your kids to see the latest Easter film, Hop? If you do, be prepared for your child to receive his or her first exposure to Playboy Enterprises. That’s right: Playboy. The film’s…

Sexual Sabotage

The Pornifying of American Youth A little over a week ago Covenant Eyes was invited to be a part of the Convergence Summit outside Baltimore, Maryland, which united hundreds of leaders from around the country…

Internet Accountability Crash Course

Recent studies show 12% of websites are pornographic and 86% of men are likely to click on Internet sex sites if they know no one else will know about it. One of the reasons Internet…

Caught Looking at Porn: The need for corporate accountability as never been greater

In 2008, Indonesia passed a major anti-pornography bill after overwhelming support in their Parliament. But last month, an outspoken supporter of this law was caught—photographed, actually—viewing explicit material on his tablet computer. He was doing…

Common Sense Monitoring: Stats About the Internet Habits of Young Children

Children’s media habits are out of balance. At least that’s what the latest report from the Sesame Workshop is saying. Recently the Joan Ganz Cooney Center released their report about how younger children (0-11 years…

Sexual Sabotage: The Pornifying of American Youth

  By Luke Gilkerson A little over a week ago Covenant Eyes was invited to be a part of the Convergence Summit outside Baltimore, Maryland, which united hundreds of leaders from around the country to…

Overcoming Lust: How the Gospel Changes Us

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 100 [powerpress] For our 100th episode, we invited back two popular guests from past podcasts: Eric Ludy and Dr. Bill Struthers. These two men speak with us today about the…

Playboy Encourages Monogamy?

I recently saw this interview and just knew I needed to republish it here. It is from the PBS public affairs show Firing Line. Taped on September 12, 1966, William Buckley interviews the founder of…

Why the Internet is Full of Temptations (and what we can do about it)

How many times have you heard a story about an Internet-related problem in the past few months? I’m not just talking about things like identity theft or cyber crime—I’m talking about all the poor uses…