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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Youth Questions: I’m Addicted to Porn!

Our friend Tim Schmoyer does a great job talking to youth about a variety of tough topics, including the taboo subject of pornography. Watch his latest video where he gives youth the basics about why…

Story of Hope: One couple shares the story of their marriage nearly destroyed by lust (Part 2)

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 104 [powerpress] Today we are playing the second and last part of our interview with Josh and Serena Abdelaziz. In yesterday’s podcast, Serena spoke about the day she discovered that…

Story of Hope: One couple shares the story of their marriage nearly destroyed by lust (Part 1)

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 103 [powerpress] This is the first part of our interview with Josh and Serena Abdelaziz. Serena was shocked the day she discovered evidence that her husband, who was also a…

Their Divorce Just Didn’t Work Out

Our friends Tray and Melody Lovvorn were recently featured on ShareWIK.com to talk about their story of pornography addiction, infidelity, divorce, and remarriage. Watch their video testimony. I first interviewed the Lovvorns on October 3,…

Image for article: Straight Talk to Husbands Who Watch Porn

Straight Talk to Husbands Who Watch Porn

Shelli remembers well the day her husband John called her up to confess his secret obsession with pornography. Years of guilt, shame, and wasted time had finally taken its toll on John, and the emotional…

Does Internet Use Impact Family Time?

We know the Internet often impacts the relationships teens have with their parents, but why? I recently ran across an interesting paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association back in August…

Walking Corpse

Living as One Who is Dead to Sin Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 102 [powerpress] On April 10, 2011, I delivered a message entitled “Walking Corpse: Living as One Who is Dead to Sin” based…

More than Unflattering: What to do when you are bullied by pictures on Facebook

I think most of us with Facebook profiles have been tagged in pictures from time to time that were unflattering. You know…those pimply-face pictures of you from 8th grade that were recently scanned and placed…

5 Easy Steps to Starting an Accountability Relationship

In this video, Randy Alcorn, author of The Purity Principle, talks about what real accountability looks like. Alcorn’s perspective here is very refreshing. It wasn’t some major moral failure that brought his accountability group together.…