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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Porn and Sex-Trafficking: A Convergence of Religious Leaders Speak Out

On April 13 and 14, hundreds of religious, political, and technology leaders gathered outside Baltimore, Maryland, for the Convergence Summit. The purpose of the summit was to address the convergence of new technology, pornography, prostitution,…

The Candy Shop: A Sex-Trade Fairytale

“If there wasn’t such a need, there wouldn’t be so much business, now, would there?” A fairytale about child sex trafficking? Yes, a fairytale. That’s exactly what The Candy Shop is: a short fantasy film…

When Does Viewing Porn Disqualify a Church Leader for Ministry?

In the following video from The Elephant Room, Pastor James McDonald asks Pastor Mark Driscoll about when a pastor or church leader should be disqualified from ministry because of viewing pornography. A few things Pastor…

Make Your Accountability Partner’s Job Easier

“Why do I see all these ‘Teen’ rated websites on my partner’s Accountability Report? I don’t care if he goes to Facebook.” We get these questions from time to time, which is why we’ve made…

Placebo Accountability: How often do you talk to your accountability partner?

I always feel like somebody’s watching me, And I have no privacy? (oh oh oh) – Rockwell – You’re familiar with the placebo effect, right? In medical experiments, there is often a control group that…

Is Porn Raising Your Kids?

Some people say there is no documented research showing the damaging effects of pornography. Those people would be wrong. Why 25-year-old pornography research still has relevance for parents today… In the late 70s and early…

Image for article: Too much sex-talk in the pulpit?

Too much sex-talk in the pulpit?

About three years ago I caught wind of one of these church sponsored sex-challenges and had a mixed reaction. I tend to be suspicious of churches that use the “sex sells” marketing approach. But at…

California’s Privacy Bill for Social Networks – Good idea or gigantic mistake?

It was called the Social Networking Privacy Act (Senate Bill 242). This bill, introduced by Senator Ellen Corbett in early February, would have brought some radical changes to Facebook’s business model (as well as a…

Enslaved to the Internet

A Christian Counselor’s Perspective In this video CCEF counselor Winston Smith talks briefly about the enslavement to TV and the Internet. Winston hits the nail right on the head: the problem is not the technology…