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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Personal Purity and a Passion for Justice

“Justice Week” on Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 110 [powerpress] All this week we are exploring the issue of sex trafficking, hearing the stories of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things to combat this…

5 Internet Monitoring Tactics for Parents

In March and April, Knowledge Networks asked 535 pairs of parents and their teens a number of questions about Internet use. The results were interesting: 28% of teens believe their parents are not checking their…

23% Say Internet Safety is a “Big Problem”

For the last five years the University of Michigan’s C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital has conducted a national poll asking adults to name their top health concerns for children in their communities. Each year they ask…

Table Talk – New Conversation Starters About Internet Safety

Using fresh news stories can be a great way for parents to spark discussions with their kids and teens about how to be a good cyber citizen. “Table Talk” is a series on Breaking Free,…

The Tweetdom of God: 3 Thoughts on Why and How Christians Should Use Twitter

Twitter is big. Really big. To date there are over 175 million registered users. As I write this, Lady Gaga has more Twitter followers than anyone, even Barack Obama. This popular microblog is used by…

Image for article: $28-Billion-Crime: New film shows the dark connection between sex addiction and sex trafficking

$28-Billion-Crime: New film shows the dark connection between sex addiction and sex trafficking

I stood before a less-than-captive audience at the local community college talking about the subject of pornography. I had been called in as a “special lecturer” for a required Ethics class to discuss the moral…

Table Talk – 3 Conversation Starters About Internet Safety

Using fresh news stories can be a great way for parents to spark discussions with their kids and teens about how to be a good cyber citizen. “Table Talk” is a series on Breaking Free,…

A Social Network Safe For Your Kids and Teens

Interview with the founder of YourSphere.com In our recent issue of Pure Minds Online, I had the opportunity to publish some of my interview with recognized Internet safety expert Mary Kay Hoal. She spoke with…

Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken

Interview with author Cindy Beall What should a wife do when she finds out her husband has been having an affair? How can a couple weather a storm of this size? We hear questions like…