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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Table Talk – Conversation Starters About YouTube Trends

Using fresh news stories can be a great way for parents to spark discussions with their kids and teens about how to be a good cyber citizen. “Table Talk” is a series on Breaking Free,…

Honesty in Marriage: Should my wife be my accountability partner when it comes to lust?

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 124 [powerpress] Should a wife be her husband’s accountability partner in areas of lust and other sexual temptations? Today we are speaking with Dr. Doug Weiss about this question. Dr.…

Image for article: The Lies That Kept Me Trapped by Pornography

The Lies That Kept Me Trapped by Pornography

I can remember very vividly what it was like to feel the pull of pornography. I can remember those long nights, exhausted but still alert, looking for my fix. I would drag out the ritual…

Free Webinar for Pastors and Church Leaders Today – “Pornography and Your Church”

It’s not too late to register for “Pornography and Your Church.” Space is limited, so register now! The purpose of this online seminar is to give pastors and lay church leaders practical ideas about how…

New study: The Internet is a bigger diversion now than ever

According to a recent survey from Pew Internet, people are far more likely now than ever to go online for no particular reason other than to pass the time or have fun. Some 58% of…

Porn makes guys romantically stunted and socially awkward

How is porn hurting our chances for real, romantic intimacy? The following is a portion of a TED talk from well-noted psychologist Philip Zimbardo. In this short clip he unpacks some of the reasons why…

Free Webinar for Church Leaders on Feb 29: “Pornography and Your Church”

Changing the Culture of Your Church to Change Lives The purpose of this webinar is to give pastors and lay church leaders practical ideas about how they can create a “culture of accountability” to combat…

Image for article: Siren Song: Overcoming Pornography Temptations

Siren Song: Overcoming Pornography Temptations

In Greek mythology they are called the Sirens, mythical seductresses of the sea. These creatures of great beauty sit in the flowery meadow on small, rocky islands in the Mediterranean. The Sirens are divine beings…

Expert Interview: How does pornography invade our homes?

In this video, my friend Dan Lohrmann shares about how pornography comes into our homes. How do kids and adults stumble into it? How can parents be diligent to protect their homes? Dan is an…