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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

How does it make a wife feel when her husband looks at porn?

Today, as Internet access has become more common, pornography has only become more prevalent. Over half of divorce cases today involve one party having an obsessive interest in Internet porn. More and more men withdraw…

Image for article: Facts about Sexting in College

Facts about Sexting in College

This just in from BestCollegesOnline.com: “Sexting and the College Student” (from BestCollegesOnline.com). For a comprehensive list of statistics about sexting, read “Sexting Statistics: What do the surveys say?”

Image for article: How to Quit Porn: The 4-Step Temptation Cycle

How to Quit Porn: The 4-Step Temptation Cycle

Author and speaker Bill Perkins goes a great job talking about what he calls “the temptation cycle.”   Using this cycle he gives men action steps they should take to cut lust and pornography out…

Image for article: Cyberbullying Stats: 3 Forms of Online Cruelty That Upset Kids Most

Cyberbullying Stats: 3 Forms of Online Cruelty That Upset Kids Most

According to MTV’s recent Digital Abuse Survey, more than three-quarters of young people (14-24) say digital abuse is a serious problem for people their age. But some kinds of online bullying (cyberbullying) are more serious…

More Than Porn: Accountability in the Grey Areas

Internet pornography is the tip of a very large iceberg. But lurking beneath the water line, there are Internet temptations that don’t get the same press pornography gets. Yet they are just as scandalous and…

Image for article: Dealing with Porn in a Marriage: Darren and April’s Story (Part 3 of 3)

Dealing with Porn in a Marriage: Darren and April’s Story (Part 3 of 3)

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 128 [powerpress] Today we are playing the third and last portion of our interview with Darren and April Mabrey. Four years into their marriage, April found pornography on Darren’s computer.…

Image for article: Webinar Today – Women and Porn Addiction: A Christian Response

Webinar Today – Women and Porn Addiction: A Christian Response

Join us today at 2 p.m. (EST). Register now for this webinar. Space is limited. Pornography is not just a male sin. More and more women today are also being drawn into cyber-lust. 34% of today’s…

How to Speak to Your Kids About Pornography

A critical question for parents living in the digital age is this: How do I prepare my sexually curious child/teen to live in a world with easy access to pornography? Notice the assumptions behind this…

Image for article: My Husband Watches Porn: Am I Not Enough for Him?

My Husband Watches Porn: Am I Not Enough for Him?

On February 19, 2002, Cindy Beall received the shock of her life when her husband Chris came home and confessed to committing adultery. She already knew Chris struggled with pornography, but she had no idea…