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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: How to trust again after pornography? 5 Commandments of Sex Addiction Recovery

How to trust again after pornography? 5 Commandments of Sex Addiction Recovery

We are constantly getting comments on our blog from women whose husbands are compulsive porn users. These men are in varying stages of change in their lives: some are completely disinterested in stopping their use…

Image for article: The Man Talk: A Revolutionary Message to Christian Men

The Man Talk: A Revolutionary Message to Christian Men

Recently we’ve been speaking a lot with Matt Fradd, an emerging voice for sexual purity in the Catholic world. He’s an apologist and speaker with Catholic Answers and is one of the chief architects behind…

Image for article: Struggling with Sexual Purity: The Idolatry of Pornography

Struggling with Sexual Purity: The Idolatry of Pornography

Mark Driscoll, the founding pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, has some powerful statements about sexual sin as “idolatry.” How is pornography linked to idolatry and what does this have to do with marriage?…

Image for article: Girls Like Porn Too: A Timely Message for Parents

Girls Like Porn Too: A Timely Message for Parents

Do girls like porn? It was just another normal day, doing homework after school. While doing research, 13-year-old Jessica Harris was intrigued by a particular video she found online. The thumbnail image was dark and…

Image for article: Are Husbands Supposed to Be Accountable to Their Wives?

Are Husbands Supposed to Be Accountable to Their Wives?

Occasionally we get concerned messages from women who receive their husbands’ Internet Accountability Reports. Often these women come to us with more relationship questions. If I am my husband’s Accountability Partner, will it really help…

Image for article: Does watching porn decrease sex drive?

Does watching porn decrease sex drive?

In her recent Men’s Health interview, the iconic Raquel Welch made some newsworthy comments about our culture’s view of sex. She says today we equate happiness with packing in as many sexual climaxes as we…

Gospel-Centered Accountability: Why Some Christians Object to Using Accountability Software (Part 2 of 2)

Does using Internet accountability software mean I am relying on mere man-made barriers to keep sin at bay? When I use Covenant Eyes to keep me from looking at pornography, is this just an unhelpful…

Image for article: Gospel-Centered Accountability: Why Some Christians Object to Using Accountability Software (Part 1 of 2)

Gospel-Centered Accountability: Why Some Christians Object to Using Accountability Software (Part 1 of 2)

Several months ago I received an e-mail from a gentleman who works at a large church near Washington, DC. The subject line of his e-mail caught my attention immediately: “Respectfully: Why Covenant Eyes is a…

Image for article: Christian Marriage Advice: Why is porn so bad for marriages?

Christian Marriage Advice: Why is porn so bad for marriages?

There are many ethical arguments about why porn is bad, but these arguments often make no sense unless we first express why sex is so good. What about sex makes it good? What about porn…