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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: True Betrayal: Seminar Series for Wives of Porn Addicts (Step 1)

True Betrayal: Seminar Series for Wives of Porn Addicts (Step 1)

All this week we are presenting segments from a special seminar for wives called “True Betrayal: Overcoming the Betrayal of Your Spouse’s Sexual Sin.” Each day’s video segments are about 50 minutes long. We hope…

Image for article: Fight Porn in Your Church: What Works and Why It Matters

Fight Porn in Your Church: What Works and Why It Matters

Dead. That’s exactly how John felt that morning as he faced the platform. He was singing along with the music, eyes closed, trying to focus on the lyrics, trying to lift his heart to God…

Is Covenant Eyes compatible with MacOS 10.8 – Mountain Lion?

The short answer to this question is: yes. You may need to configure your system, however, so everything works properly. First, do you already have Covenant Eyes on your machine? If so, see the first…

Image for article: Making Broken Women WHOLE – Upcoming women’s conference in Kansas City

Making Broken Women WHOLE – Upcoming women’s conference in Kansas City

On August 24 and 25, Dirty Girls Ministries is sponsoring WHOLE, a conference for women. DGM has never been bashful about addressing taboo issues women face today, and this conference is no exception. The conference…

Why Young Women are Now Being Drawn to Pornography

Dr. William Struthers explains that the female brain, unlike the male brain, is wired to understand sexual arousal first as “contextual” and then as “sensory.” What this means is when a young woman looks at…

Image for article: Support a Good Cause: Help make this new documentary about porn a reality

Support a Good Cause: Help make this new documentary about porn a reality

Some friends of Covenant Eyes are working on a groundbreaking new documentary called Shamed. It is a hard-hitting look at how shame and porn often go hand-in-hand. The documentary addresses the need for those in…

Image for article: Squishing Some Bugs: Major iPhone browser updates (July 2012)

Squishing Some Bugs: Major iPhone browser updates (July 2012)

We just released some major updates for our iOS browser: All the screens now properly function in landscape mode. The “reload” and “stop loading” buttons in the address bar actually work now. If you see…

Image for article: Shamed: A New Documentary about the Prison of Pornography

Shamed: A New Documentary about the Prison of Pornography

I’ve very excited about a new documentary already in progress called Shamed. I’ve been privileged to see some of the rough cuts of the project, and I believe this is going to be a powerful…

Image for article: Can God Change a Porn Addict? A Candid Interview with David Zailer

Can God Change a Porn Addict? A Candid Interview with David Zailer

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 129 [powerpress] Today on Covenant Eyes Radio we are interviewing David Zailer, the Executive Director of Operation Integrity. David begins by talking about a particularly memorable night in his life.…