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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: Disinfecting the Shame of Porn

Disinfecting the Shame of Porn

When it comes to porn addiction, especially for Christians, shame often keeps men and women trapped in secrecy. But a new documentary is seeking change that. Here’s the catch: they need your help. Our friends…

Image for article: Accountability for Teens: 5 Things to Do if They Push Back

Accountability for Teens: 5 Things to Do if They Push Back

We talk to a lot of parents who want to protect their children from pornography. But what should you do when your teenagers push back when you suggest accountability software? We received an email recently…

Image for article: False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Steps 7, 8, & 9)

False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Steps 7, 8, & 9)

God does not ask porn addicts to change themselves: he changes them from the inside out. He asks them to order their lives to receive his resources that will bring about transformation. But once we…

Image for article: False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Step 6)

False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Step 6)

Martin Luther’s very first words to the church when he began the Reformation were: “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, ‘Repent’ (Matthew 4:17), he willed the entire life of believers to be one…

Image for article: False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Steps 4&5)

False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Steps 4&5)

When it comes to porn addiction or other sexual sins, the gospel not only tells us who the answer is (Jesus) but also sheds light on the utter depths of our condition. Once we have…

Image for article: False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Steps 2&3)

False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Steps 2&3)

Once sex addicts reach a point of admitting they have a problem they cannot overcome without God’s help, where do we turn next? What hope does the gospel offer to us? In this video series,…

Image for article: False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Step 1)

False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Step 1)

Pornography has such a grip on my heart. How can I change? I’ve tried everything. At the heart of Christianity is the belief that the gospel of Christ not only saves us from the guilt…

Image for article: How to Lock Down Your iPad: Protect Your Kids from Porn

How to Lock Down Your iPad: Protect Your Kids from Porn

The use of iPads and other tablets is growing rapidly, (29% of Americans as of January). With this will come a greater consumption of porn on tablets. Reports from Juniper Research estimate, by 2015: Use of…

Image for article: 10 Seconds: A Film About Sex Slavery from Trafficking to Addiction

10 Seconds: A Film About Sex Slavery from Trafficking to Addiction

A man sits nervously in his car outside a house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Inside that house, he knows, is an underground prostitution operation: women waiting for him if he would only knock on…