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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: 4 Strategies for Teaching Internet Safety to Teens

4 Strategies for Teaching Internet Safety to Teens

1. Avoid the words “Internet safety.” Talk about Internet identity. Teaching Internet safety is important, but it invokes an idea that rings hollow for many teens. “The big, bad Internet is out to get you,”…

Image for article: 3 Tips to Block Teens from Internet Porn

3 Tips to Block Teens from Internet Porn

Looking at the stats about teens and porn use can be frightening, especially when you consider the kind of material they are watching. About 90% of boys and 70% of girls, ages 13 to 14, have…

Image for article: My Child Just Saw Porn: A Conversation Guide for Parents

My Child Just Saw Porn: A Conversation Guide for Parents

He was only 8 years old when he first saw pornography. Sadly, it took months for his parents to discover his growing curiosity. He had heard the Bible story dozens of times about how Adam…

Somebody’s Daughter: Win a Free DVD-CD Set About Porn Addiction

There are (at least) two unhealthy reactions our culture has to porn. The first is that porn is so common, we fail to see why it is a problem. The second is that it is…

Image for article: How God’s Grace Sets Us Free from Porn

How God’s Grace Sets Us Free from Porn

Christians often define “grace” as God’s unmerited favor. But we are told in Titus 2:11-14 that God’s grace actually “trains” us to be godly. How does God’s favor do this? More specifically, for those trapped…

When a City Says ‘No’ to Porn: Oklahoma City Taking a Stand Against Sexual Media

Recently, billboards have started cropping up all over Oklahoma City with three words on them, “She’s Somebody’s Daughter.” This campaign is raising awareness about how pornography and other kids of sexualized entertainment robs women of…

Image for article: Single Women Battling Pornography: Win a Free Book Bundle

Single Women Battling Pornography: Win a Free Book Bundle

If there ever was a time when struggling with pornography was an exclusively male problem, those days are long gone. According to the most recent statistics… More than six in 10 women see pornography online…

Image for article: iPorn: Coming to a School Near You

iPorn: Coming to a School Near You

$1 billion. That’s how much America’s second-largest school district is paying to get iPads into the hands of every one of its 650,000 students this year. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is paying…

Image for article: Enslaved to Porn: Why I Returned Again and Again to Pornography

Enslaved to Porn: Why I Returned Again and Again to Pornography

I used to be enslaved to pornography. It was something I couldn’t go more than a few days without. I lived in a cycle of temptation, sin, shame, vows to quit, followed again by a…