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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

When Your Son is Looking at Porn: 12 Resources for Christian Parents

When you discover your son has been looking at pornography, the discovery can be frightening—especially with the nature of the porn available today. As Christian parents, we know we don’t want our sons growing up…

Image for article: Porn Star on Welfare: Interview with Ex-Porn Star about Her New Book

Porn Star on Welfare: Interview with Ex-Porn Star about Her New Book

Recently I spoke with my friend Jan Villarubia about her new book, Porn Star on Welfare. Jan worked as an actress in the porn industry for about a year and half and made over 40…

Image for article: Why Moms Love Covenant Eyes

Why Moms Love Covenant Eyes

Covenant Eyes helps families in several ways. For some, we help to break a habit of looking at inappropriate content online. For others, we help to make sure such a habit never starts. This is…

Image for article: My Daughter Has Been Looking at Porn: Advice to Christian Parents

My Daughter Has Been Looking at Porn: Advice to Christian Parents

If there ever was a time in our culture when porn was an exclusively male habit, that time is long gone. About half of young adult women today believe viewing pornography is acceptable behavior. About one third…

Image for article: Single Men Battling Pornography: Win a Free Book Bundle

Single Men Battling Pornography: Win a Free Book Bundle

Having sexual integrity in a hyper-sexualized world can be difficult. But for unmarried Christian men, the incentive to remain pure is often not as high as we would like. With no godly sexual outlet and…

Image for article: Online Dangers: Protecting Marriages from Pornography

Online Dangers: Protecting Marriages from Pornography

Earlier this month I was interviewed by Ryan Dobson on Family Talk Radio, giving advice for spouses of those who are entrenched in pornography. You can listen to part 1 and part 2 of the…

Image for article: 5 Commandments of Adolescent Internet Safety

5 Commandments of Adolescent Internet Safety

The Internet is both a blessing and a curse. It brings so much of the world immediately to your fingertips. But unfortunately it brings both the best and the worst the world has to offer.…

Image for article: Online Dangers: Protecting Kids from Pornography

Online Dangers: Protecting Kids from Pornography

Last month I had the privilege of being interviewed on Family Talk, the radio program of James and Ryan Dobson. You can listen to part 1 and part 2 of the interview to find our…

Image for article: 5 Mistakes Parents Make When It Comes to Talking About Porn

5 Mistakes Parents Make When It Comes to Talking About Porn

We spoke to a pastor the other day who felt simply devastated. He has recently discovered that his 13-year-old son has not only been exposed to porn but has been looking at it for several…