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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: 6 Common Questions Asked By Wives of Porn Addicts

6 Common Questions Asked By Wives of Porn Addicts

The following is an excerpt from our free e-book, Porn and Your Husband: A Recovery Guide for Wives. Why does he look at porn? There are a few things you need to understand about your…

Image for article: 10 Things Parents Should Do If Their Child is Being Cyberbullied

10 Things Parents Should Do If Their Child is Being Cyberbullied

If you think your child is being bullied online, or if you simply want to prevent it from happening, here are some steps you can take: 1. Make yourself a safe person to talk to.…

Image for article: When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography (Interview with Vicki Tiede)

When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography (Interview with Vicki Tiede)

If your husband has betrayed your trust and his marriage vows by watching pornography, this can feel devastating. Vicki Tiede has written a wonderful book for women in this situation—born out of both her knowledge…

Image for article: What if my child is addicted to porn?

What if my child is addicted to porn?

The following is an excerpt from When Your Child is Looking at Porn:  A Step-by-Step Guide for Christian Parents. If you discover your child has developed a habit of looking at porn, or even something…

Image for article: Why Your Resolution to Quit Porn Will Fail Miserably (and how to succeed instead)

Why Your Resolution to Quit Porn Will Fail Miserably (and how to succeed instead)

About 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, and 88% of all resolutions end in failure. Your resolution this year might be to “lose weight,” “get organized,” or “quit smoking.” Regardless, there are good psychological…

Image for article: Setting Boundaries with Your Porn Addict Husband

Setting Boundaries with Your Porn Addict Husband

When your porn addicted husband is trying to regain your trust it is vitally important for your sanity and your marriage that you establish clear boundaries. Boundaries are limits and precedents that you establish to…

Image for article: Tips on Rebuilding Trust With Your Spouse After Porn

Tips on Rebuilding Trust With Your Spouse After Porn

Married people with sexual struggles usually have trust issues. Trust has been broken, not because of the sexual struggles themselves, but because of the hiding and lying that takes place. We slip. We look at…

5 Things Your Teen Must Hear You Say about Porn

Unfortunately, too many teens today are getting their ideas about sex from porn—the worst kind of sex ed a child can get. For most, porn starts with curiosity, but for many it doesn’t stop with…

Image for article: Prayer for Porn: National Day of Prayer to Strengthen the Fight Against Pornography

Prayer for Porn: National Day of Prayer to Strengthen the Fight Against Pornography

by Patrick Trueman, Esq. Friend, the war on pornography can only be won with the blessing of Almighty God. We are doing all we can to stop the pornification of our culture, but more resources,…