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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Lust – So What?

In a recent blog I wrote about the big “so what” of lust—in the light of so many problems in the world, so many injustices, why the sexual mores of “old time religion”? I was…

Does CE Work in Community?

My regards to Boaz, author of Not the Southern Cross, for his comments about Moore Theological College and Covenant Eyes. I found one comment very interesting: “The Covenant Eyes is not going to help this…

Know How To Take a Wife?

I once asked a pastor friend of mine what I could do about my problem of lust. He looked at me, with a matter-of-fact expression, and said, “It would be easier if you were married.”…

Why Some Christians Dislike Covenant Eyes

As the official “blog-meister” of Covenant Eyes, I’ve made a professional hobby of monitoring what others are saying about CE in the blogsphere.  In the past two days I’ve reviewed over 110 blogs that mention…

Image for article: Why “Covenant Eyes”? A Look at Job’s Covenant

Why “Covenant Eyes”? A Look at Job’s Covenant

Why is Covenant Eyes called “Covenant Eyes”? We can find the answer in Job 31. As someone who has struggled with pornography addiction and has found a measure of liberty (and someone who is also…