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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Image for article: 3 Gospel Principles for Battling Porn Addiction

3 Gospel Principles for Battling Porn Addiction

I can vividly remember the fear that gripped my life a decade ago when I was battling porn addiction. I remember the long nights binging on porn on my computer, tucking myself away in remote…

Image for article: Best Practices: Internet Safety for Every Family

Best Practices: Internet Safety for Every Family

The older kids get, the less Internet safety is a cut-and-dry process. The best practices when they are five years old aren’t the same at age 15. The stats are alarming… Today, 71% of teens…

Image for article: Internet Monitoring Software: “Spying” on Your Husband

Internet Monitoring Software: “Spying” on Your Husband

For the woman who is suspicious that her husband may be looking at porn or flirting with other women online, Internet monitoring software can help you find out the truth. Catching your husband “red handed”…

Image for article: 5 Reasons Why Christian Accountability Fails

5 Reasons Why Christian Accountability Fails

For a Christian, accountability plays a crucial role in personal growth and holiness. But accountability groups and partners aren’t magic pills, and there are many pitfalls that often lead to the failure of Christian accountability…

Image for article: Killing Mr. Hyde: The Bible’s Plan for Overcoming Sin

Killing Mr. Hyde: The Bible’s Plan for Overcoming Sin

In my conversations with Christians about pornography—especially those who are caught in the snare of it—I am often asked if there is any good reading they could do that would help them wrap their minds…

Image for article: Kids Internet Safety Tips – 10 Truths Parents Should Teach

Kids Internet Safety Tips – 10 Truths Parents Should Teach

As a  parent or guardian, you are the gatekeeper of the home. The ultimate goal of any “Internet safety tips” are not just to protect your kids but to train them to eventually live as…

Image for article: Beyond the Superficial: 7 Principles from Proverbs About Friendship

Beyond the Superficial: 7 Principles from Proverbs About Friendship

It is often a problem, especially among men, that we don’t intentionally seek out good friendships. Often we don’t seek out wise counsel unless we are seeking “expert” advice. It is easier to stay on…

Image for article: 3 Ways to Find a Quality Accountability Partner

3 Ways to Find a Quality Accountability Partner

There are two critical ingredients to a good accountability relationship. They can be summarized in the following proverbs: Genuine friendship: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” (Proverbs 17:17)…

Image for article: Porn Users Have Smaller Brains

Porn Users Have Smaller Brains

According to a new German study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry, there is a significant correlation between higher consumption of porn and a lower amount of grey matter in your…