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Articles by Lisa Eldred

Lisa Eldred is the Educational Content Strategist at Covenant Eyes, and has 10 years of experience in researching and writing about porn addiction and recovery. She has authored numerous blog posts and ebooks, including More Than Single, Hobbies and Habits, and New Fruit, which was co-authored with Crystal Renaud Day. Her writing about faith and fandoms can be found at Love Thy Nerd.

Image for article: Social Pruning: How Teens Understand Online Privacy

Social Pruning: How Teens Understand Online Privacy

On Mother’s Day, 15-year-old Nichole Cable walked to the end of her long, secluded driveway in order to obtain marijuana from a Facebook acquaintance named Bryan Butterfield. Instead, a masked man jumped from the bushes,…

Image for article: Why I’m excited about Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Don Jon (and you should be too)

Why I’m excited about Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Don Jon (and you should be too)

“There’s only a few things I really care about in life. My body, my pad, my ride, my family, my church, my boys, my girls…and my porn.” So begins the trailer to Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directorial…

Image for article: “A Clear Life”: Why one family still uses Accountability when their kids are grown

“A Clear Life”: Why one family still uses Accountability when their kids are grown

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Leila Hoffman, a long-time Accountability user, about why she uses Covenant Eyes.  “When you were in school, did you ever look at a piece of amber?” Leila…

Image for article: Why spying on your husband is a bad idea (and what to do instead)

Why spying on your husband is a bad idea (and what to do instead)

“I used to dream that I would meet a prince But God Almighty, have you seen what’s happened since?” -Madame Thenardier, Les Miserables One of the things I dislike about most Disney princesses is that they…

Image for article: Why Internet Accountability is Like Insurance

Why Internet Accountability is Like Insurance

Accidents happen even at the best of times. I was already backing out of a parking spot in my new car when the car parked behind me went into reverse. And then came the sickening…

Image for article: Bringing Rape Culture to Light

Bringing Rape Culture to Light

How the Cultural Treatment of Women Impacts the Acceptability of Sexual Violence Have you heard the one about the comedian who joked about his audience getting gang-raped? In July 2012, two young women attended an…

Image for article: 4 Myths About Porn Use

4 Myths About Porn Use

“All men look at porn, so it’s no big deal.” “Sex is so much better if you look at porn.” “There’s no difference between porn and any other movie. It’s all just entertainment.” Maybe you’ve…

Image for article: Having Productive Conversations When Your Husband Watches Porn

Having Productive Conversations When Your Husband Watches Porn

The following is an excerpt from Porn and Your Husband: A Recovery Guide for Wives. Discovering that her husband watches porn can be devastating for a wife. Her emotions may fluctuate wildly from fear to…

Image for article: A New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep: 3 Ways to Put Boundaries on Your Internet Use

A New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep: 3 Ways to Put Boundaries on Your Internet Use

Noel Heikkinen is a busy man, even online. He is one of the pastors of a large church, as well as involved in leadership roles in Great Commission Ministries and the Acts 29 Network. As…