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Articles by Lisa Eldred

Lisa Eldred is the Educational Content Strategist at Covenant Eyes, and has 10 years of experience in researching and writing about porn addiction and recovery. She has authored numerous blog posts and ebooks, including More Than Single, Hobbies and Habits, and New Fruit, which was co-authored with Crystal Renaud Day. Her writing about faith and fandoms can be found at Love Thy Nerd.

Image for article: Turning Your Values into Online Values (and teaching kids to do the same)

Turning Your Values into Online Values (and teaching kids to do the same)

Over the last few years, there has been a growing trend of parents who punish their kids online after they have misbehaved online. Sometimes these punishments have been fairly lighthearted, like the parents who grounded…

Image for article: 2013 Covenant Eyes Buyer’s Guide for Game Consoles (and Other Gadgets)

2013 Covenant Eyes Buyer’s Guide for Game Consoles (and Other Gadgets)

As a teenager in the ’90s, one of the coolest gifts I ever received was a Game Boy Pocket. I spent countless hours staring at the 2″ black and white screen, staring intently at Tetris…

Image for article: Should I Buy My Child an iPod touch? 5 things to do before you do

Should I Buy My Child an iPod touch? 5 things to do before you do

Have your kids started to make their Christmas lists yet? As Black Friday approaches here in the US (as well as Cyber Monday for online retailers), it may be tempting to snap up that iPod…

Image for article: Dear Dads: Don’t Just Protect Yourselves from Porn

Dear Dads: Don’t Just Protect Yourselves from Porn

Recently we at Covenant Eyes received an e-mail asking why we focus so much on protecting kids. “I’m a guy who signed up for Covenant Eyes because of my own porn problem, not for my…

Don Jon’s Religion: Why the Church Often Fails to Help Porn Addicts

Recently I had the opportunity to see a pre-release of Don Jon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s writing and directorial debut about a young man whose porn use interferes with his relationships. While many Christians in particular would…

Sick of Seeing “Those Images”? Omnomnomify Them.

I have a love-hate relationship with certain websites. Sites like DailyMail or Huffington Post will often have thoughtful, articulate articles about, say, how porn is impacting kids…and there, in the sidebar, are a host of…

Don Jon: Pornography, Hollywood, and a Wake-Up Call to Young Men

Editor’s Note: This article analyzes a film that uses highly mature language and images. Reader discretion is advised. Jon’s favorite sound in the world is the startup sound of his computer, the sound that brings…

Image for article: Internet Responsibility Away at College: What parents can do to continue online protection

Internet Responsibility Away at College: What parents can do to continue online protection

College is a strange transitional time for students. Freshmen, for the first time, will find themselves out of Mom and Dad’s care and into the transitory semi-responsibility of dorm life adulthood. This means they have a…

Image for article: New Legal Requirements for Your Child’s Privacy

New Legal Requirements for Your Child’s Privacy

Shortly after Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing on the Government’s massive data-gathering and surveillance program, another massive breach of privacy was discovered. For more than a year, a bug had allowed Facebook users to download the contact information…