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Articles by Laura Booz

Laura Booz is the author of Expect Something Beautiful: Finding God's Good Gifts in Motherhood and the host of the Expect Something Beautiful podcast with Revive Our Hearts. She'll cheer you on, share practical ideas, and point out the beautiful ways God is working in your life. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, Ryan, and their six children. She blogs at laurabooz.com.

Book Review – I Surrender All: Rebuilding a Marriage Broken by Pornography

In his preface, Clay Crosse writes that he and his wife, Renee, pray that their book will be a message of warning and hope. Their prayers are answered. I Surrender All: Rebuilding a Marriage Broken…

Willing to Receive Back Your Dead – Forgiving Your Husband

Are you having difficulty forgiving a repentant husband? Do you feel like it’s just too much to receive him back into your heart, your home, your trust? You are not alone. I’ve always wondered about…

Porn Problems in Marriage? Go to Marriage Savers

Marriage Savers is a national ministry that has literally decreased the divorce rate. Hundreds of churches in over 220 cities have instated Marriage Savers covenants. The mentor relationships ARE making a difference. Perhaps a church…

Image for article: Shattered Vows (Book Review)

Shattered Vows (Book Review)

Have you ever read a book that was so familiar, you wondered if the author had stolen your diary? I felt that way when I read Shattered Vows: Hope and Healing for Women Who Have…

Guarding Our Daughters in This Sexualized Culture

Aren’t little girls such precious gifts? And to think, we have two! I so deeply want to do right by them and raise them to love God with all of their heart. Yet, I can’t…