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Articles by Jeff Fisher

Jeff Fisher and his wife Marsha live in Raleigh, North Carolina. They run PurityCoaching.com and have helped hundreds of sexual strugglers, spouses, and church leaders find help and resources. Jeff has podcasted for the last six years about sexual purity through his Top Tips For Sexual Purity Podcast (iTunes). Jeff can be reached at jeff@puritycoaching.com.

Becoming a Man of Valor – Book Review

The third book in Dr. Mark Laaser’s Men of Valor series Becoming a Man of Valor is different from the first two in his series. He wants us to think about our core and what…

Taking Every Thought Captive – Book Review

The second book in Dr. Mark Laaser’s Men of Valor series, Taking Every Thought Captive, hovers around a big challenge for guys: developing a godly thought life. The author definitely deals with curbing immoral sexual thoughts…

The Seven Principles of Highly Accountable Men – Book Review

It would be cruel if I reviewed this book and didn’t list the seven principles for you, so here they are: Accountability begins with brokenness, confession and repentance. Accountability requires your being able to talk…

Mark Laaser’s New Book Series for Christian Men Struggling with Lust

I think these books could save you about $1000 in counseling fees. Of course, reading books don’t replace the personal attention and specialized training you get from a counselor. But if you had a chance…

Basic Purity Tips (Football Style)

Purity isn’t just sexual purity. There’s a broader definition for us as Christian men. We don’t want to allow anything into our heart, mind, soul, or body that twists God’s creation. We don’t want to…

7 Thoughts for Christians Who Avoid Counseling

Recently, I’ve heard several guys and couples mention that they’ve never been to counseling before. “You know, in our 11 years of marriage, we’ve never been to counseling.” “I was never bad enough to need…

Thoughts on the Pastor’s Smokin’ Hot Wife

It seems like the phrase “My smokin’ hot” wife is coming into mainstream Christianity now. I have heard a number of preachers use the phrase from the pulpit, especially when they are sharing messages on…

Why Doesn’t God Just Take My Sexual Desire Away?

In our frustrations with our sexual purity journey we’ve probably wondered: Why doesn’t God just take my sexual desire away? Why doesn’t He zap me and give me self-control? Why do I have to continue…

12 Lessons from My Accountability Partner

Recently, I interviewed my accountability partner of two years, Michael Stuart, for the Porn to Purity Podcast.  Mike had been my best friend since seventh grade. We were college roommates, pursued the ministry, and both…