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Articles by Jeff Fisher

Jeff Fisher and his wife Marsha live in Raleigh, North Carolina. They run PurityCoaching.com and have helped hundreds of sexual strugglers, spouses, and church leaders find help and resources. Jeff has podcasted for the last six years about sexual purity through his Top Tips For Sexual Purity Podcast (iTunes). Jeff can be reached at jeff@puritycoaching.com.

Image for article: Moral Revolution (Book Review)

Moral Revolution (Book Review)

Good purity books don’™t magically write themselves. They are forged out of the author’s own experience as a sexual struggler, as a minister working with sexual strugglers, or both. Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth About…

Helping Her Heal by Dr. Doug Weiss (Review)

Helping Her Heal is a two-disc DVD set from noted sexual addiction expert Dr. Doug Weiss. It offers practical tools for hearing the wife, partner, or girlfriend’s pain, navigating her grief and losses, and discovering…

Image for article: Guardians of Purity (Book Review)

Guardians of Purity (Book Review)

Media and popular culture are already pulling our children away from God’s standards of purity. Parents must take a proactive stance. The author shares how parents can create a godly culture in their homes, protect…

Image for article: Surfing For God (Book Review)

Surfing For God (Book Review)

I was grateful to get an advanced copy of Michael John Cusick’s book Surfing For God: Discovering Divine Desire Beneath Your Sexual Struggle.  I heard him on Nate Larkin’s Pirate Monk Podcast talking about his…

Image for article: Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together (Book Review)

Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together (Book Review)

The title and subtitle are a perfect description of this book.  This book gives us: A tour of the authors’ “real marriage” Truth from God’s Word Frank discussions about sex The importance of friendship in…

Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy With Your Spouse (Book Review)

Quick Summary: Sexperiment encourages married couples to have sex seven days in a row. The challenge is a gateway to couples rediscovering intimacy, serving one another and the importance of making time for each other.…

Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage (Book Review)

Would you like to know how you can protect your marriage and yourself from an affair? It would be smart to talk with people who have committed adultery and learn from their mistakes. It would…

Entangled: A Woman’s Guide to Recognizing Your Emotional Affair and Restoring Your Marriage – Book Review

Quick Summary: In Entangled:  A Woman’s Guide to Recognizing Your Emotional Affair and Restoring Your Marriage, author Amy J. Bennett shares her story of falling into an emotional affair with a co-worker.  She gives a…

“Not Even a Hint” of Sexual Immorality? A Word to Those Who Like Porn

“But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.” – Ephesians 5:3 I was…