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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Image for article: Little Boys in Men’s Bodies: What masculinity is and is not

Little Boys in Men’s Bodies: What masculinity is and is not

Howdy Partner! Tell me what guy doesn’t occasionally belt this song in an off-pitched squeal in the shower, in his car, or in his own head at the grocery store. Here is a classic example…

Image for article: My Un-Saved Spouse Views Porn and Doesn’t Care

My Un-Saved Spouse Views Porn and Doesn’t Care

There are multiple things to consider in response to a pornography-using, unrepentant husband. The ugly truth is that many marriages have at least one spouse who is involved with sexual sin through pornography. Numerous surveys…

Image for article: Tricky (but Needed) Conversations with My Son About Porn

Tricky (but Needed) Conversations with My Son About Porn

When my son was 12 years old I came home one day to find the phrase “sexy nude girls” typed in to our family computer search engine. I wasn’t shocked or even disappointed. I knew…

Overcoming Porn: Internet Accountability is a Grace from God

The gospel is good news because it reveals the grace of God. Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead to rescue you from the coming wrath. You will not be condemned in…

Image for article: If Your Child is Looking at Porn: Give Them Grace

If Your Child is Looking at Porn: Give Them Grace

The darkness of the room was only broken by the glow of the screen. The darkness in his heart wasn’t—couldn’t—be broken by anything. The 12-year-old boy felt hopeless as he sat in front of the…

Image for article: Tough Love for Your Unrepentant, Porn-Using Husband

Tough Love for Your Unrepentant, Porn-Using Husband

“There’s nothing I can do. As a Christian I’m obligated to simply ‘forgive and forget,’ and just move on.” “I can’t set boundaries with him. I’m not his mom!” “I’m completely alone. And I have…

Image for article: 4 Ways to Address Sexy Images on Facebook

4 Ways to Address Sexy Images on Facebook

If you’re anything like me or 48% of other Facebook users, one of the first things you do when you wake up is check your news feed. Or maybe you’re one of the 28% who…

Image for article: 5 Things You Should Not Assume About Your Husband’s Porn Addiction

5 Things You Should Not Assume About Your Husband’s Porn Addiction

1. Don’t assume he’s got it under control. If he had it under control, he wouldn’t be breaking your heart with his confessions right now. One of the worst things you can do for your…

Image for article: The Day He Let an Intruder Into His Home

The Day He Let an Intruder Into His Home

It’s a dark, moonless night. You’ve been asleep for hours. A strange sound jars you awake and you rub your eyes, listening for the sound again, a deep feeling of apprehension rising in your heart.…