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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Image for article: Church, We Must Go to War Against Porn

Church, We Must Go to War Against Porn

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul makes the statement that sexual immorality should not even be named among those of us that God has set apart for Himself (Ephesians 5:3). The word Paul used…

Image for article: The Porn Pandemic: It’s Time to Talk About Porn in the Church

The Porn Pandemic: It’s Time to Talk About Porn in the Church

In a recent episode of Faithlife Today, Dr. Tim Clinton, president of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), shared some of the greatest problems facing Christian families today. His biggest concern? Porn. “The porn pandemic…

Image for article: Why You’re Addicted to Porn…and How Jesus Can Relate

Why You’re Addicted to Porn…and How Jesus Can Relate

I’ve heard the line often: men say they are addicted to porn because they “have needs.” And I agree. Men do have needs (as do women). I also agree that porn addresses those needs…for a…

Image for article: What to Do After Your Child Sees Porn

What to Do After Your Child Sees Porn

Recently, a mom approached me and said, “Father Kilcawley, I spent some time this afternoon on the phone with Covenant Eyes getting my family set up.” I was overjoyed to hear that they had finally taken…

Image for article: What I Learned When My Brother Left the Church

What I Learned When My Brother Left the Church

To this day, I honestly believe that a lack of Christian community is what stifled my older brother’s faith. It wasn’t all his questions about God and Jesus. It was that no one cared enough…

Image for article: Is Porn Your Idol? – Life as an Idol-Maker

Is Porn Your Idol? – Life as an Idol-Maker

The following is an excerpt from John Freeman’s Hide or Seek: When Men Get Real with God About Sex, from New Growth Press. Derek was twenty-three years old. A friend had referred him to Harvest…

Image for article: Addiction-Proof Parenting: Will Your Children Withstand Porn Temptations?

Addiction-Proof Parenting: Will Your Children Withstand Porn Temptations?

I contemplated whether or not to use the title above for a book I wrote on parenting and its relationship to addiction. But I decided to use it because I like the title for this…

Image for article: An Open Letter to Pornography

An Open Letter to Pornography

Dear Pornography, I met you at a young age. As memory serves, I was around the age of seven the first time I was shown a pornographic magazine. Little did I know that it would…

Image for article: Understanding the 5 Mentalities of a Porn “Addict”

Understanding the 5 Mentalities of a Porn “Addict”

While many of my books and booklets have a focus upon substance abuse issues, a struggle with any “addictive” pleasure of sin is a war within one’s heart desires. Anything pleasurable on this earth can…