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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Ex-Porn Star Gets Baptized

Patrice recently left the porn industry in December 2008 and was baptized on February 1, 2009, where she publicly declared her past had died and is beginning a new life in Jesus Christ. It was…

Men Overcoming Homosexual Pornography: Rooting Out the Source of Temptation (Part 3)

Continued from Part 2 Choosing to be set free Understanding the source and meaning of attraction alone will not free us from pornography. To be free from pornography we must come to the conclusion that…

Sexual Addiction: The Ugly Forgivable Sin

James 5:16 says that the confession of sin is the beginning of healing. The Greek word for confession that is used in that passage of Scripture is exomologeo, which means to acknowledge or to agree…

Men Overcoming Homosexual Pornography: Rooting Out the Source of Temptation (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1 “Envy Him”: Unfulfilled masculine development The means by which a man struggling with same-sex attraction can begin to reduce his level of addiction to pornography is by identifying what qualities he…

Men Overcoming Homosexual Pornography: Rooting Out the Source of Temptation (Part 1)

I have never met a man in the psychotherapy context living with same-sex attraction that did not struggle with pornography. If I ask the question, “do you want to overcome your addiction to pornography?” in…

Advice for Marriages Plagued by Porn

Dear Husband and Wife, One of the most common comments we receive is from wives who believe that their feelings do not matter to their porn-addicted husbands. Almost every day we hear from a wife…

‘Til An Arrow Struck His Liver

I laughed the first time I read that line from Proverbs 7:23. What a sense of humor God has! I had looked in the mirror before and suspected that He had quite a vivid imagination…

Image for article: Porn Addiction and Accountability

Porn Addiction and Accountability

As men, we carry our pride like a badge of honor. We use it for a shield against anything that might threaten our self-esteem. We hide behind it when other people attempt to offer suggestions…

Musicians Tour to Speak Out About Porn Temptation

Honesty, Integrity, Passion & Purpose: that is what makes this tour unique. Our performance, our ministry, is based on my personal struggle with hidden addictions (drugs, porn), the mind of an addict, who I am…