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Articles by Guest Author

Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

"Covenant Eyes, I can't thank you enough for what you do."

Your site has been such a blessing to me and such a great tool in my battle for sexual integrity. This site has saved me to escape from bondage, and I can’t thank you enough…

Porn Stars and STDs: Issue Addressed at LA County Board of Supervisors

by Shelley Lubben The following video contains information about STDs and the porn industry. Viewer discretion is advised. Please pray for all the people who are still trapped in porn and need a way out.…

Good Accountability Questions – When the Problem is Sexual Sin

by Jonathan Dodson In an article entitled “When the Problem is Sexual Sin,” John F. Bettler breaks down the problem of sexual sin into three areas: 1) Objects of Lust 2) Relationship Lusts 3) Life-meaning…

David’s Story of Child Porn Addiction: Facing 8 Years in Prison

The following is a guest post by David Chatham. He is in court today awaiting sentencing for possession of child pornography. . . . . Many people talk about the proverbial “knock on the door”…

Image for article: Book Review – Real Sex: the naked truth about chastity

Book Review – Real Sex: the naked truth about chastity

When Lauren Winner wrote about her conversion from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity in her 2003 memoir, Girl Meets God, her frank recognition of the complexities of new-found faith were unpredictable and charming. As she takes…

Women and Sexual Addiction

by Diane Roberts Over the past 16 years in working with Pure Desire, I have seen the dramatic increase of women struggling with love and sexual addiction. Here is a sample email (I might receive)…

Comparing X3watch and Covenant Eyes

The information in this post has been changed since it was published. The software features originally mentioned in this post were very outdated (for both X3watch and Covenant Eyes), so we decided to take the…

Instilling Sexual Confidence in Our Daughters

by Shannon Ethridge We’ve been seeing more of Bristol Palin in the media lately now that she’s had her baby, and I hope parents realize what incredibly valuable “teachable moments” Bristol ushers onto our doorsteps.…

Preparing Our Kids to Live in This Sexualized Culture

by Jason Nabb I had a proud “parent moment” the other day. We were driving down Cornhusker highway here in Lincoln, heading to my in-laws for dinner. There’s a certain business along the way that…