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Articles by Guest Author

Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

The Power of Prayer Over Pornography

I found out about my husband’s battle with sexual temptation in June 2005, when I found images he had been looking at on our Internet history. It broke my heart and shattered my world. I…

Four Tips on Developing an Accountability Relationship

The following is a guest post from Cynthia Mann, counselor on staff at The Summit Church in Durham, NC. Accountability partners . . . we either love ’em or wonder where they went. What makes…

Pope John Paul II on Pornography

The following is a guest post by Mark Houck, a regular author at WhoDoesItHurt.com. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) says, “Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person” (n. 2332). If our sexuality…

Porn and Adultery – A Woman’s Perspective

The following is a testimony from Sarah Markley. To read her complete story visit her website. . . . . Six years ago my life ended . . . or rather, began. Early in January…

Pastors and Porn – Question #4: "But who can I ask to hold me accountable?"

I’ll never forget one day after I presented a workshop on pornography and sexual addiction, when a youth pastor approached me to tell a most sad story. He explained how he had recently moved across…

Pastors and Porn – Question #2: "But what if I lose my job?"

This is no doubt one of the most paralyzing fears that keep many pastors who struggle with sexual sin from dealing with it. Those of us who have been given the privilege of pastoring people…

Building Trust Again – For marriages harmed by pornography

by Veronica Benton I am often asked, “When will I trust my husband again?” This is such a hard question to answer, especially for a woman who just found out her husband has been hiding…

BraveHearts 30 Day Challenge – Find Internet Accountability

by Michael Leahy This week marks the beginning of Porn Awareness Week. These “Awareness Weeks” have become all too common these days as far as I’m concerned. Which unfortunately means a lot of important issues…

Why Covenant Eyes is Priceless for Pastors (thoughts from a fellow pastor)

The following is a testimony from Justin Bleuer, pastor of Berean Bible Church. You can read more at his blog, Thoughts from a Pauper. . . . . I am a pastor. I use Covenant…