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Articles by Guest Author

Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Is your accountability group doomed to fail?

For many years I met every Tuesday morning for breakfast with other men in a diner where we had a men’s accountability group. It was a failure. We had lots of breakfasts, and little to…

Are Internet Filters Simply Moralism?

by Douglas Wilson Morality is strong; moralism is brittle. Morality can laugh; moralism points a bony finger at others. As we are teaching our young men the blessing of sexual integrity, which of course includes…

Image for article: When Boredom Leads to Porn

When Boredom Leads to Porn

“My dear Wormwood … I have always found that the trough [boring] periods of the human undulation provide excellent opportunity for all sensual temptations.” —The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis Scripture goes a block out…

Breaking Free from Hypocrisy

It is undoubtedly true that God displays His Sovereignty through fallen man, of which I am no exception. Just as God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew…

Why some accountability partners don’t work for porn addicts

Most of the men I work with have a long history of failed attempts at overcoming sexual temptation. A common strategy for people in churches is to have an accountability partner. I have nothing against…

Teaching Kids About the Illusion of Pornography

The pornography industry has permeated the American culture at a speed that no one could have imagined over the past ten years. With the introduction of cybersex, the devastating consequences are now playing out through…

Image for article: Good News for Porn Users

Good News for Porn Users

What is the gospel for porn users? How can we speak the good news of Jesus—for that is what the word ‘gospel’ means, good news—to people struggling with porn? It’s not enough to tell one…

My Story of Freedom from Pornography

As I’ve slowly and methodically unpacked my addiction over the past 15 months I’ve truly come to learn a lot about myself, much more than I ever really cared about in the past. I’m sure…

Peace of Mind with Covenant Eyes

As the mother of four boys, I’ve long been concerned about the problem of pornography. Once a child is exposed to it, the images can easily lodge in their hearts and minds like a poisonous…