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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

The Cycle of Addiction

by Kris White I walked into a Starbucks the other day, groggy and ready for hot brew. The usual background music littered the place, seeming to float on the heavy aroma of steaming hot coffee.…

Practical Ways You Can Get Involved in Opposing Sexual Exploitation

by Noel Bouché There are many ways to get involved in opposing pornography, prostitution, and sex trafficking—but the first step is a matter of the heart. Until we are walking in a lifestyle of prayer,…

The Sin of Sodom

by Noel Bouché Evangelical Christians are increasingly engaged in—and being recognized for—effective justice work. As New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof pointed out in a February 2010 article (“Learning from the Sin of Sodom”), groups…

The Weight of Smut – Is America “Sexually Obese”?

by Mary Eberstadt “America the Obese” in the May issue of The Atlantic reminds us of the weight-gain epidemic in the United States and the rest of the West. It is indeed widespread, deleterious, and…

Is Porn Production a Form of Sex Trafficking?

by William Payne The title of this post is a bit controversial. There are many who would react to it with a strong “no.” Porn, they claim, is just an expression of free speech. It…

Internet Accountability – Is Pornography Ruining Your Family?

This isn’t a pleasant topic. But it’s important to face it. Pornography ruins people. The wanton destruction of pastors, husbands, fathers, teens, moms, and leaders is shocking. Destruction by pornography. It silently ruins millions with…

Internet Precautions: Tips for helping you and your kids make good choices online

by Emily Malone Have you ever gone on a diet and wished you had simply maintained your weight instead of allowing it to climb steadily higher over the years? What could have been managed with…

The Unfiltered Truth: Children Search for Pornography From an Early Age

The search for answers in the fight against childhood exposure to pornography has grown more challenging. A 2009 study shows that the number of kids seeking it online is growing higher, while their age is…

Fighting Pornography. Promoting Abstinence.

Editor’s Note: Today’s post is a written by our friends at Abstinence Clearinghouse. As all those who work with young people know, this generation is growing up in a culture saturated with toxic ideas and…