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Articles by Guest Author

Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Dealing with Giants – Book Review

by Debra Schoofs I took a while to read this book and write a review not because it’s long nor complicated, but rather because it ministered to me. With a battle cry Pastor Hoffman is…

How Do We Overcome Sexual Sin?

Imagine that a counselee, parishioner, or spiritual friend came to you with the following story. “I’m struggling. I’ve been married five times. Now I’m with another man. I feel like I just have to have…

He is sooooo hot

by Alyssa Shull Our culture is so obsessed with the people that entertain us. I hear people all the time saying “Insert star’s name is sooo HOT.” The star could be married, or single—it doesn’t…

Guarding Our Son’s Eyes from Sexual Sin: Practical Tips for Christian Parents

by LouAnn Rogers You remember that day, the day your first child was born. You had the hat on their head (even when it was 100 degrees outside), the little mittens on to protect their…

Finding Porn in Seminary

by Kyle Reed Understanding the unavoidable exposures to pornography in the average life of an American teenager, you can consider me peculiarly blessed to have grown up relatively unscathed from the effect of porn. Apart…

10 Ways to Oppose Sexual Exploitation

by Anny Lee and Christie Arnold Engagement begins with the heart.  Until we are rooted in a lifestyle of prayer, understanding, and resolve, our engagement will be short-lived, ineffectual, or both. Once we are grounded…

Renting Lacy – Book Review

by Christie Arnold Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children provides a realistic and heart-wrenching look into the underground world of child sex trafficking in the United States. Author Linda Smith is a former…

51:58 Prayer for Purity

by Mary Ann Jiang and Noel Bouché The request, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1) seems to reverberate in each of our hearts as we pursue God and seek intimacy with Him. We have…

pureJUSTICE Internship Program

In 2008 we launched the pureJUSTICE summer internship for college students. This eight-week, paid internship focuses on developing young leaders as advocates for purity and justice through spiritual formation and professional development. They spend the…