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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Google’s New Privacy Policy: A Safety Workaround for You and Your Teen

This article was originally published at Yoursphere.com and was reprinted with permission. Taking a page from Facebook, Google has now lowered the minimum age required to join Google+ from 18 to 13. They claim that…

4 Reasons Christian Companies Should Offer Accountability Software to Their Employees

by Rev. Jon Gleason The company for which I work first became aware of Covenant Eyes some years ago when an associated company hired an apprentice. The leaders of his church were concerned about his…

Image for article: My Daughter was Caught By a Predator: A Word of Warning from One Parent to Another

My Daughter was Caught By a Predator: A Word of Warning from One Parent to Another

On New Year’s Day, 2002, my 13-year-old daughter, Alicia, was lured from our Pennsylvania home and stolen to Virginia by a man whom she had been introduced to online. For eight months, this sadistic madman…

Image for article: Break Porn Addiction: 5 Lessons I Learned Along the Way

Break Porn Addiction: 5 Lessons I Learned Along the Way

by James Tarring Cordrey Years ago my wife surprised me with a direct question about my use of pornography. What followed that question is known in our marriage as “The Confession.” The brutal truth of…

Image for article: 4 Principles to Break Porn Addiction

4 Principles to Break Porn Addiction

by J. Chad Barrett Imagine with me a journey toward the beautiful freedom from addiction. Can you see it? Jesus Christ desires His people to lavish in His grace as we walk in His freedom.…

Cleavage, Bikinis, and Facebook

Glad I got your attention. Let’s start by going in order of my title here. Cleavage It says in 1 Corinthians 10:32, “Don’t cause others to stumble, whether they are Jewish, Greek, or members of…

5 Ways to Transform an Immodest Wardrobe

by Rachel Lee Carter Modeling hasn’t just been my job; it’s been my life, and from it came my deep love for fashion. Likewise, with my faith comes my deep love for the Lord. Years…

Tips for talking to your kids about porn

Today the Computer is a household staple. Kids of all ages are experiencing various aspects of what computers and the internet have to offer. Kids begin at an early age using the computer and if…

How to spy on your kids online

Recently Ysolt Usigan, editor of lifestyle and technology for women at CBSNews.com, interviewed our own Sam Black for her article, “How to spy on your kids online.” . . . . (CBS) – According to…