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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Guard Your Heart Against Porn

by Skye Bryant For my husband and me, our time in seminary consisted of some of the sweetest fellowship we have ever had. We were surrounded by others with the same goal in mind: to…

Image for article: Traveling Light: Throwing Off the Baggage of Unforgiveness

Traveling Light: Throwing Off the Baggage of Unforgiveness

by Renee Dallas “…let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” – Hebrews 12: 1 When I…

Image for article: Marriage Advice: “Why is he attracted to porn instead of me?”

Marriage Advice: “Why is he attracted to porn instead of me?”

by Melissa Haas I just wrapped up a conversation with a woman who recently discovered her husband’s secret relationship with pornography. Tragically, it is a conversation I have multiple times a week with women of…

Forsaking All Others: Life After Porn

by Cindy Beall I’ll never forget the first time I walked in on my husband looking at Internet pornography. Immediately my heart sank, and I remember this sick feeling wash over me. The thought that…

Save My Marriage: Counseling the Wife of a Porn Addict (Part 3 of 3)

Although we like to see marriages restored, there is no guarantee that a husband will truly repent of his sexual sin. However, even though he might not change or the circumstances may not change in…

Save My Marriage: Counseling the Wife of a Porn Addict (Part 2 of 3)

Whenever I am able to give wives a biblical perspective of their husband’s sex/porn problem, I witness a ray of hope beginning to shine into the midst of their hopelessness. You see, it’s not uncommon…

Save My Marriage: Counseling the Wife of a Porn Addict (Part 1 of 3)

For 25 years, Pure Life Ministries (PLM) has been ministering to Christian men who are enslaved to all kinds of sexual sin. Invariably when a married man comes to us for help, there is a…

Hope After Porn: Adultery of the Heart – From Fantasy to Reality

I’m gonna sing this song To let you know that you’re not alone And if you’re like me you need hope, coffee, and melody So sit back down, and let the world keep spinnin’ round…

Stomp Out Cyberbullying with the Great American NO BULL Challenge

by Tina Ray Cyberbullying is a hot topic in the news lately—and for good reason. The recent statistics on cyberbullying are alarming: More than half of America’s teens have been harassed online, and about the…