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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Image for article: Beyond the Worship Service: Calling Your Church to Small Group Life

Beyond the Worship Service: Calling Your Church to Small Group Life

Do you remember that scene in The Sound of Music where Julie Andrews goes into the spiel about her favorite things? She starts singing about how much she loves raindrops on roses and whiskers on…

Image for article: Beyond the Pancake Breakfast: Using Events to Spark Real Friendships

Beyond the Pancake Breakfast: Using Events to Spark Real Friendships

For decades, Christian men have flocked by the thousands to catalytic events, from Promise Keepers events to men’s breakfasts, and from weekend retreats to wild game dinners. Thousands, perhaps even millions, of men have given…

Image for article: Counseling Single Men (and Men in General) Toward Lasting Freedom from Pornography

Counseling Single Men (and Men in General) Toward Lasting Freedom from Pornography

I have heard a lot of theories on how to help men deal with the sins of pornography, masturbation and other expressions of sexual lust. “Just stop it.” “You have to recognize that it’s your…

Image for article: Sex, God, and the Gospel

Sex, God, and the Gospel

A recent survey suggested that one in two evangelical men and one in five evangelical women are struggling with pornography. Other surveys bear out these proportions. This means that when you look out on your…

Image for article: The Ugly Connections Between Porn, Prostitution, and Sex Trafficking

The Ugly Connections Between Porn, Prostitution, and Sex Trafficking

Discretion will guard you, understanding will watch over you, to deliver you from the way of evil, from the man who speaks perverse things. -Proverbs 2:11-12 (NASB) In our sexualized, technology-driven society, pornography is everywhere.…

Image for article: Sex in the Media – The Price Our Kids Pay

Sex in the Media – The Price Our Kids Pay

New evidence points to the media adolescents use frequently (television, music, movies, magazines, and the Internet) as important factors in the initiation of sexual intercourse. There is a major disconnect between what mainstream media portray—casual…

Image for article: Porn in the Church: The High Cost of Silence

Porn in the Church: The High Cost of Silence

Several years ago I performed the marriage ceremony for a young couple. Both had grown up in Christian homes and done well professionally. She had won the state’s “Best Teacher” award, and he was a…

Modesty on Spring Break

by Rachel Lee Carter Just for fun—and as a point of research for this article, I Googled (in quotes) “Modesty on Spring Break.” I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised to be redirected to: No…

Is Social Networking Destroying Marriages? 5 Tips to Protect Your Partnership

by Tina Ray Does the use of social media weaken marriages? Divorce attorneys regularly mine Facebook for dirt, including evidence of infidelity, spending money, and assets. In fact, in a recent American Academy of Matrimonial…