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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Image for article: Christian Hip Hop Artists Speak Out about Fighting Sexual Sin

Christian Hip Hop Artists Speak Out about Fighting Sexual Sin

by DJ Wade-O A Christian rapper named Oppose was the first guy who encouraged me to do everything I could to destroy the demon of pornography in my life. Being a year older than me,…

Image for article: The Sexualizing of America: How porn impacts culture

The Sexualizing of America: How porn impacts culture

The following is an excerpt from the Convergence Summit, sponsored by pureHOPE and the Religions Alliance Against Pornography (RAAP). Commissioner Israel Gaither of the Salvation Army is recognized for his global leadership. He has an honorary Doctor of Humane…

Image for article: Covenant Eyes Buyers’ Guide for Internet Devices (Christmas 2012)

Covenant Eyes Buyers’ Guide for Internet Devices (Christmas 2012)

“Every year after Christmas we receive a flurry of calls asking if a given device is able to be protected. In some cases, we have to deliver the bad news to a customer that their…

Image for article: Biblical Parenting in the Digital Age

Biblical Parenting in the Digital Age

Moses did not use an iPad. The Apostle Paul did not have a Droid (the phone kind, or the robot kind). Those long-ago Bible days were very different from the world in which we live.…

Image for article: Your Daughter Struggles With Lust: What She Needs to Hear from You

Your Daughter Struggles With Lust: What She Needs to Hear from You

In today’s sex-saturated world, purity is a daily battle that begins early in our lives. And if you have a teenage daughter, she’s in that battle right now. Sadly, a Christian young woman may be…

Image for article: Indecent Exposure: 7 Steps to Winning the Sexual Battle of the Next Generation

Indecent Exposure: 7 Steps to Winning the Sexual Battle of the Next Generation

Tears poured down her face, as we embraced. My wife, Donalyn, whispered to me through her pain, “It is so wrong, and so easy. What if our grandbabies ever saw that?” Saw what? Two things…

Overcoming Pornography: Recovery or Redemption?

Jim loves God. He appears to love his wife and kids very much; he’s a leader in the church. He looks a lot like you and me. Jim, however, has a secret. He’s been living…

Image for article: Sparking Conversations with My Son About Porn: The Difference Accountability Makes

Sparking Conversations with My Son About Porn: The Difference Accountability Makes

When my son was 12 years old I came home one day to find the phrase “sexy nude girls” typed in to our family computer search engine. I wasn’t shocked or even disappointed. I knew…

Image for article: 4 Steps to Overcoming Porn Addiction

4 Steps to Overcoming Porn Addiction

by DJ Wade-O In part 1 of my “Dealing with Porn” series, I wrote about my previous addiction to pornography and how my wife found out. Like many of you, pornography was my little secret that I wouldn’t tell…