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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Guarding My Family’s Hearts Online: Internet Safety for Everyone

by Jenifer Metzger My husband and I recognized early on in parenthood that we were greatly blessed to be raising God’s children. This is a privilege our Father has given us. We understood that it…

Image for article: Porn at College: Life at the Crossroads

Porn at College: Life at the Crossroads

by O.R. Leslie “O.R., can we go outside and talk in private?” the young man asked. He was in a Family Counseling class at a major Christian university where my wife, Brenda, and I had…

Image for article: Sexual Brokenness in the Church: A Pastor and Sex-Addict Speaks Out

Sexual Brokenness in the Church: A Pastor and Sex-Addict Speaks Out

Sundays had always been challenging for me. But they became excruciating. By the time I blew up my life, every Sunday morning after awaking I spent a full hour trying to muster the courage to…

Image for article: Properly Understanding Lust

Properly Understanding Lust

by Jim Vander Spek I was a Christian for over fifty years, grew up in an actively Christian home, attended a Christian College, spent time in Seminary, was an elder in a fine evangelical church, and…

Taking small steps is the cure to addiction

Addictions, as you might already know, are behavioral or substance-based dependences. While some can form nearly instantly—such as in the instance of class-A drug addictions (crystal meth, heroin)—other dependencies take time to grow and settle in. Porn…

Porn Addiction vs. Satisfaction in God

This is not a testimony of “I have arrived,” or even “I have overcome.” Praise God for the testimonies about how someone conquered a habitual sin. We need them. But that is not my story.…

Husband Porn Problems: Should I keep spying on him?

At the beginning of the month we got a comment from April, a concerned wife. Since being married, she’s found proof of his porn use a number of times. We asked Jason Martinkus, the President of Redemptive…

Image for article: Virtual Brothel: Pimps and Prostitutes Online

Virtual Brothel: Pimps and Prostitutes Online

The following is an excerpt from the Convergence Summit, sponsored by pureHOPE and the Religions Alliance Against Pornography (RAAP). . . . . During most of the twentieth century, pimps, madams, and traffickers exploited their…

Image for article: Don’t Just Quit Porn, Quit Lust

Don’t Just Quit Porn, Quit Lust

Jesus set the bar impossibly high. That is, it is impossible without His Spirit living in you. We all know that He said even looking at a woman with lust is committing adultery (Matthew 5:38).…