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Articles by Guest Author

Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Image for article: Eyes Full of Adultery: Getting Serious About Lust

Eyes Full of Adultery: Getting Serious About Lust

You’re at the checkout lane of your local department store. The gal behind the register rang up the last item and tells you the total. As you reach for your credit card, she bends over…

Image for article: 3 Important Facts About Sexual Sobriety

3 Important Facts About Sexual Sobriety

by Frank Honess Becoming sober from an addiction to pornography has cost me a lot. It’s come with a serious price tag attached to it. Years of my life were wasted on websites and women…

Image for article: Undefiled: Redemption from Sexual Sin, Restoration for Broken Relationships (Book Review)

Undefiled: Redemption from Sexual Sin, Restoration for Broken Relationships (Book Review)

Redemption (def.): The act of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil It’s an unfortunate reality that very few couples, including Christian couples, are able to claim that their wedding night was their…

Image for article: Sexology and God: What the Bible Says About the Science of Sex

Sexology and God: What the Bible Says About the Science of Sex

  Patricia Weerakoon is a medical doctor turned Sexologist and Writer. She is an evangelical Christian. She is married to Vasantha. Her son Kamal is a Presbyterian minister. As a Sexologist, she has translated her…

Image for article: Casting Call for My Mental Porno: The Ugly Reality of Lust

Casting Call for My Mental Porno: The Ugly Reality of Lust

by Anonymous With freedom comes some realizations about past lustful habits. It’s like walking through a really thick fog, and when you break out into the clear, looking down and noticing that you had been…

Image for article: My Personal Purity Battle Plan: 28 Things I Try to Never Forget

My Personal Purity Battle Plan: 28 Things I Try to Never Forget

I’ve learned the hard way that pornography addiction will never be broken unless there’s genuine biblical repentance, and I’ve also learned the hard way that genuine biblical repentance always requires radical life changes. To break…

Image for article: Sex Addiction Recovery: Avoiding Sexual Triggers

Sex Addiction Recovery: Avoiding Sexual Triggers

The Internet is the number one stumbling block for almost all the people struggling with sexual sin. It’s not prostitutes, affairs, or adult bookstores—it’s the Internet. Few seem to understand the importance of an Internet…

4 Things I Learned from a Sexaholic

by Jim Vander Spek Like many who have trouble with sexual purity issues, I sought out help from Christian Counselors and Christian Recovery groups in the past. Unfortunately, they did not help me in the…

Image for article: Mending a Shattered Heart: A Guide for Partners of Sex Addicts (Review)

Mending a Shattered Heart: A Guide for Partners of Sex Addicts (Review)

by Vicki Tiede Sexual addiction is devastating to many lives. Quite often the partner of the sex addict is lost in the wake of the devastation. When the addiction comes to light, the partner feels as…