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Want to write for the Covenant Eyes blog? Share the story of your journey to freedom from pornography. Let us know how you overcame porn or how Covenant Eyes has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

Image for article: Watch The Back Door: Killing Small Opportunities to Lust

Watch The Back Door: Killing Small Opportunities to Lust

When I was a kid, I remember playing basketball—it was one of the two sports that I loved the most. The two players I admired the most were none other than Julius Irving (Dr. J)…

Image for article: Dealing With The Frogs In Your Life: Getting Rid of Idols

Dealing With The Frogs In Your Life: Getting Rid of Idols

In Exodus 8 we read about the plague of frogs God inflicted upon Egypt. Frogs were over the entire country (v.2). Frogs blanketed the land (v.6). Everywhere you looked you saw frogs. Frogs were in…

Image for article: 3 Key Ingredients for Your Family Tech Plan

3 Key Ingredients for Your Family Tech Plan

Dan Martin develops pureHOPE’s parenting ministry activities and resources, collaborating with churches and para-church organizations in order to equip parents to raise kids in the sexualized culture around us. Prior to joining pureHOPE Dan was the…

Image for article: How to Build A Pure Life

How to Build A Pure Life

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose and the winds…

Image for article: Protecting Kids From Porn Without Putting Your Computer Behind Bars

Protecting Kids From Porn Without Putting Your Computer Behind Bars

There is little doubt that the Internet makes much of life much easier and more convenient in many ways. However, the down side is that it also brings influences you would otherwise avoid right to…

Image for article: Are you wearing “text goggles”? Love in the time of texting

Are you wearing “text goggles”? Love in the time of texting

As a millennial, I understand the appeal of the text message. It’s easy, convenient, non-threatening, and can be ignored. I have texted guys to suggest a hang-out when I hadn’t heard from them in a…

Image for article: Your Husband’s Porn Confession: 3 Reasons to Praise God in the Crisis

Your Husband’s Porn Confession: 3 Reasons to Praise God in the Crisis

If you’re brokenhearted because you recently discovered your husband’s pornography addiction, you may be struggling with your relationship with the Lord. Maybe you’re asking God why He would allow you to feel such intense pain.…

What Your Teen Doesn’t Know About Internet Safety Will Hurt Them

It will probably not surprise you to learn that a Pew Internet Project study recently showed that 95 percent of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 use the Internet. The study also showed…

Image for article: A Declaration of War Against Sexual Impurity

A Declaration of War Against Sexual Impurity

Inspired by “The Resolution” as it appeared in the movie Courageous, and having battled for over 30 years against lust, porn and masturbation, I was convicted of the importance of having a document that declared—for…