Protect Your Kids
Protect Your Kids 2 minute read

Surf Your Values

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

There is much good that can be said of Daniel Lohrmann’s book, Virtual Integrity, but his phrase “Surf Your Values” really sets the book heads-and-shoulders above the rest. This book goes beyond “Internet safety” jargon and gets to the heart of how to use the Internet responsibly and productively.

Lohrmann is just one of many voices speaking and writing about Internet integrity. He is an internationally recognized Internet and computer security expert, recently named as a Public Official of the Year and Chief Security Officer of the Year. He is also a committed Christian husband and father.

What does it mean to surf your values?

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Seven Habits of Online Integrity

“I’d like to offer you seven habits to faithfully navigate the brave new Web, which will hopefully become regular practices in your life. One goal of this list is to establish a basic framework for individuals to surf their values. . . . These are action-oriented disciplines that strive to be “non-techie,” easy to understand, and flexible to implement based upon need.” (Daniel Lohrmann)

Lohrmann speaks of seven habits that will help us to gain the greatest benefits out of the Internet while avoiding the pitfalls. Over the next few weeks we will be talking about these habits one by one.

There are many values to approaching Internet safety through these habits:

1. Lohrmann’s approach is holistic. It is not just about Internet safety, but about getting to the heart of why we do the things we do, why we surf the way we surf.
2. Lohrmann’s approach is dynamic. This is not an easy quick-fix to cyber dangers; however, these habits are very adaptable to anyone who chooses to use them.
3. Lohtmann’s approach is relational. Online integrity is not just about how individuals behave but how healthy community can help us maximize our online experience.

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“Lohrmann reminds us that integrity on the Internet involves more than purchasing a family friendly filter. He wisely connects virtual with embodied reality, challenges us to ‘surf our values,’ and then packs his book with practical ways to do just that. This book inspires and empowers us to bring every corner of our virtual world under the Lordship of Christ.”
– Michael Wittmer, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary –

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“This book is a great education tool that takes a unique look at the personal responsibility required of all of us as we utilize the power of the Internet. The book provides perspective, not just about security, but also about our role in the new world of using the Web as a tool for communicating, collaborating, creating, and utilizing information. Dan Lohrmann provides practical steps to address the concerns of parents, educators, government officials, and community leaders.”
– Teri Takai, chief information officer, State of California –

Read Part 2 of this series . . .

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