Porn Addiction Test

Many people find themselves struggling with the impact of pornography addiction—often without even realizing it. The Pornography Addiction and Use Survey (PAUS) was created by certified sex addiction therapists to help you better understand the effect of porn on your life.

Taking the assessment could be the first step to regain control over your life. It’s quick, easy, and completely anonymous.

(Disclaimer: The results of this test do not constitute a medical diagnosis, and it should not be used as a substitute for qualified counseling or therapy.)

Porn addiction can be devastating. Here’s what you need to know.

The addiction diagnosis is often debated, but it usually just refers to being unable to quit watching porn, even if you want to. 

On a deeper level, it means that pornography has taken a deep hold of a person and is harming them and their relationships.

Learn more about porn addiction ➔

Pornography is addictive because of the way it interacts with the brain’s neurochemistry. Porn triggers large amounts of dopamine and other pleasurable neurochemicals which can become habit-forming.   

Pornography is especially addicting when it’s used as a form of comfort or self-soothing to deal with emotional and relational wounds.   

Read more about why porn is addictive ➔

Covenant Eyes has been helping people on the journey away from porn for more than two decades. We’ve created a lot of resources along the way and also partnered with other great organizations committed to helping people overcome porn.  

Here’s a link to some of the best resources, whatever your specific situation and whatever format you prefer your content.

Explore the best resources for porn addiction ➔

When you ask this question, you’re taking a brave step toward deeper self-understanding and a life of freedom. You can start to find answers by taking the porn addiction test.

Take the Test ➔