Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 1 minute read

Help us with a new pornography addiction study

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

Thanks to the Internet, the rise of pornography is undeniable. Even the trade organization of pornography industry has stated, “The adult Internet is the fastest expanding segment of the U.S. adult entertainment market.

Fortunately, there are more tools available to address pornography addiction. John Y. Lee, a doctoral student of clinical psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA) is partnering with Covenant Eyes to conduct a research study on cyberporn treatment.

We are looking for volunteers who have never used the Covenant Eyes program on their computers. The goal of the study is to examine an innovative new approach to decreasing cyberporn usage, Motivational Interviewing.

Participation in the study will require you to complete several surveys, and during the four-week study period you will receive the Covenant Eyes program free of charge. Additionally, as a thank-you for participating, everyone will receive the Covenant Eyes service free for two months at the end of the study.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Mr. Lee, at Please indicate in the email subject an interest in the study. John will provide you with comprehensive information regarding the nature of the study and is more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

Please be advised that email is not a secure form of communication, as others might have access to your account. Additionally, by emailing John Lee you are consenting to receive email correspondences from him.

He looks forward to hearing from you and thanks you for your interest in this study!

  1. iwan groot

    yeah i am willing to try and i want out but find it hard!

  2. Japheth

    I have been using Covenant eyes for several months now with a friend. It is not fire proof. I have called him about things that were showing up as high scores, but were really background ads that were non-offensive, but were hosted by a suspect site. Thus the high score.

    However, I am glad for it as my wife does not need to wonder what I am looking at, cause she also gets the report and it helps keep open communication between us.

    As with all programs designed to reign in the desires of the flesh, it will not work if you do not want it to. But if you really want to stay clean of the polluting influences of pornography, then this might be the ticket to helping you stay accountable and responsible for your actions.

    • @Japheth – Thanks for your comment! I’m glad you find the program helpful. A few things to keep in mind: (1) If you feel a banner ad or other urls are scored improperly, just send a scoring request to our score team. They will be able to correct any false positives. (2) Some banner ads are scored the way they are because of our age-based scoring system, that is, even though they may not be pornography, they are ads you wouldn’t want an 8-year-old clicking on.

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