Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 2 minute read

"My counselor said Covenant Eyes was a non-negotiable if I wanted to break free from porn addiction."

Last Updated: March 26, 2024

I just wanted to take a quick moment to let you know how Covenant Eyes has not only saved my marriage but restored me as a man. I had been involved in porn for several years, and after I got a laptop for my business, it is like something opened me into checking out Internet sites. Suffice it to say: I had become a person who was controlled by Internet porn. I am a Christian and I had been convicted by the Lord to stop several times. I was  even ashamed sometimes at church, just to be in church, because I knew that I was a porn addict. This THING had become a serious problem: mood swings, anger, loss of respect, and so on. The worst part was, it had taken time away from my family and my children and had changed who I was. I would get so upset and beg the Lord to help me, and I would be OK for a day or so. But then it seemed that with each relapse I got a little deeper and deeper.

One evening, by the grace of God, my wife stumbled onto my little secret. After meeting with a counselor she confronted me and gave me a list of non-negotiables: among them was to install Covenant Eyes on my computer. My wife and my pastor were my first two accountability partners. Because of your site and my accountability partners and my counseling, for the first time in my adult life, I have some control over my problem.

It has been four years this past June and I look forward to seeing that blue CE logo come up every time I get online. I have had instances where I have had to reload my entire system, and just recently I had to purchase a new laptop, and each time, the first thing I load is Covenant Eyes. As long as I have Covenant Eyes on my computer, I know I am being watched and held accountable. The logo has become a friend, so to speak. When it is on I know that I am being monitored, which provides true piece of mind.

Words cannot express to you the gratitude that I feel to your company. Because of your company I was able to gain control of a problem that was going to cost me everything. I have put Covenant Eyes on my home computer as well for my sons. Thank you for what you do and for providing such an important tool in fighting Internet porn. It has changed my life and I will always be a customer. Thank you again for the work that you do, and may the Lord richly bless you.

– John

  1. I just wanted to point out that one’s spouse is not always a good choice for an accountability partner. For some, the burden of such a responsibility is too much. Others may not be able to understand and handle a stumble by the accounted person, which can and often does happen. If your spouse is up for the task, that’s great! If you’re not sure, talk it over first.

    • @Jason – I agree. I wrote a whole post about the pros and cons of spousal accountability.

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