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Help Others Restore Integrity 2 minute read

Changing Porn Culture Begins With Me

Last Updated: March 19, 2018

Assuming that you are convicted by the mounting statistical evidence and stories of heartbreak involving pornography, then you now play a part in making a difference. This is what is called “the burden of knowledge”—in knowing, I am now responsible to act.

It’s easy to sit back and criticize governments and cell-phone providers and internet service agents and say, “Why aren’t THEY doing something about porn? Why aren’t THEY taking this threat seriously?”It is much harder to muster the courage to stand up and effect the change I can, starting with myself.

changing porn culture begins with me

You’ve likely heard that thoughtful quip that we must “Be the change” we wish to see in the world. Whether or not Mahatama Gandhi said it (there’s some dispute about that), here’s a profound reflection he definitely said:

We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.

We must do the inner work of purification before we can effect outward change; we must remove the planks from our own eyes before addressing the splinters in others’ (Matthew 7:5); we must be disciples sitting humbly at the feet of Christ before we can go out and be apostles to the world.

Examine yourself:

  • Do I rationalize movies or shows that are pornographic in nature?
  • Do I excuse explicit sexual scenes?
  • Do I practice custody of the eyes on the Internet, stopping myself from going where I know I will be tempted?
  • Do any of my musical tastes or song choices degrade women?
  • Do I ever open my mouth to condemn pornography to co-workers or friends who shrug it off?
  • Am I harboring a secret habit of porn use that needs to come to the light?
  • Am I hiding anything from my accountability partner?

Examining and knowing ourselves is a crucial first step in being an authentic witness of chaste love. Before we ever open our mouths, people will judge us credible or not by our daily witness.

If we have struggled, to admit the real problem of a porn habit is a courageous first step. Addressing the root causes or wounds that lead to the habit is the next, and embracing chastity as the authentic path of love is a lifelong journey. But that interior change must also “go out” and bear much fruit. The Good News is not meant to be kept for ourselves but for the whole world!

Now, being convicted doesn’t mean that you tackle the porn industry head-on or start a worldwide speaking circuit tomorrow. Or maybe it does. Maybe God is calling you to do something radical.  Maybe you are called to something big and bold and a ministry that terrifies you. Or maybe you’re called to simply start with an honest prayer asking for inner transformation and for the Holy Spirit to embolden you for the mission ahead.

Be the change. The world is counting on you.

  1. Arthur

    I feel God wants me to write a book. I written something so far. I am using the statistics i got from covenant eyes books. For a married African Christian guy living in a third world country i might need to form a ministry to assist people going through this struggle. Covenant eyes materials have been a blessing to me personally and i will forever be grateful. Unfortunately i feel a lot of people in my country or continent are struggling alone without help. Maybe God is calling me to do this. I wish i could find a person near where i stay who is willing to take this message to others..then we collaborate


    Now I stay in the office alone,when I come to the office and find that there is no other colleague here,a thought come to my mind that I want to view sex video and sex pictures.The aspiration is very strong,my heart feel itch.Then I remember Convenanteyes,I want to quit this habit.Because the habit of view porn make me addiction.In the last several days,I have viewed the porn for several times.I viewed the porn in the afternoon because it is supposed to work time.View the porn in midnight after 12:00pm.Normally in 12:00pm I already deep in my dream.This habit make me feel tired in the daytime and make me easy to get angry.After view the porn in daytime ,I feel depression all the days.I decide to write these down and publish to Convenanteyes’s website to find the common feeling from other people.I also open the convenanteyes’s website to review the content which I have viewed before to remind myself to use method to overcome this mind,overcome this habit.

    • WellWisher

      Mack Zhang. I’m happy that you are trying. No one is perfect, we are all meant to fall. Don’t expect perfection but do keep trying. Eventually you will get better and better, reducing your usage and the time it takes to stop. Until one day, If God wills, you will be completely free. And even if you are not. What the Creator wants is for you to keep turning back to the Creator every time you fall. May God guide you always and give you support.

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