Help Others Restore Integrity
Help Others Restore Integrity 2 minute read

Sex Week: 7 Weird Facts about an Odd College Trend

Last Updated: July 22, 2021

A strange trend is hitting college campuses called Sex Week. On one occasion I was invited to speak at the University of Maryland for their annual “Sex Week,” and it was an event I’m not likely to forget.

Here are seven facts you should know about this college craze:

1. Sex Week is a week-long anything-goes sex education smorgasbord. Some schools even follow up the event with a Sex Weekend the next semester.

2. These events are happening at more than just a few colleges and universities. Peter Roff, contributing editor at US News & World Report, says, “they are ubiquitous, as common as ‘rush week’ and homecoming.” It’s a sponsored event from ivy league schools like Yale, Cornell, Brown, and Harvard to public schools like Kent, the University of Tennessee, and the University of Maryland.

3. During a typical sex week, there are a wide variety of odd events. Amidst the lectures about sexual violence and STDs, you can also attend sex toy workshops, drag shows, lectures from porn stars, sadomasochism seminars, sexy beach parties, X-rated film screenings, and even “condom fashion shows.” Classy.

4. Sex Week events are paid for by the universities using both general student fees and, in many cases, taxpayer money. Yes, taxpayer money is going to teach students sex tips and how to masturbate, and some people are pushing back. The Tennessee House of Representatives voted 69 to 17 to adopt a resolution condemning Sex Week UT.

5. Sex Weeks throughout the nation are billed as “sex-positive” events. Since these events are big on inclusivity, nothing is too taboo. The pervasive message of these week-long events is that no sex is bad sex—unless, of course, you don’t want it.

6. Even when these sex weeks speak out against rape and assault, the very events they endorse ironically eroticize non-consensual sex. The guys who are likely to treat women like pieces of meat won’t come to the sexual assault seminar. Instead, you’ll find them at porn star panel discussion, where they will hear from men and women who make money sexualizing aggression. When universities pay porn producers who have made a killing creating demeaning, misogynistic media, what message does this send to the student body? Is it any surprise that 20-25% of all women on college campuses will be victims of sexual assault?

7. For all the “sex positivity” of Sex Week, the profound power of sex is largely ignored. Oh sure, there’s plenty said about orgasm, but very little truth is said about the real “Big O” of sex: oneness. This is what makes sex unlike any other human activity and why sex is so powerful. Sex is not just about the uniting of two bodies, but the uniting of two persons.

If you’re concerned about the sexualization of our culture as a parent, be sure to prepare your kids for the world they are entering. For more information, download our free ebook, Connected, below!

  1. Christian

    I agree Greg. Also, in this case, this is all a product of Kinsey’s crackpot “scientific” research we need to refuse to believe anymore. Thanks to Judith Reisman for exposing him.

  2. Romans 1:24-25 (NASB): “Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”

    Wake up and smell the ashes America.

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