Help Others Restore Integrity Anna Malika - Overcomer
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

A Letter to the Man on the Other Side of the Screen

Last Updated: January 6, 2016

Episode 171


A Letter to the Man on the Other Side of the Screen

Recently, sex trafficking victim Anna Malika wrote an open letter to men at entitled, “A Letter to the Man on the Other Side of the Screen.”

In our interview with her today, we talk about why she wrote this letter and why she thinks it has struck a chord with so many readers.

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Stop the Demand

Stop the Demand - spreadSex trafficking is defined by the 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report as a “severe form” of trafficking in which “a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion.” In the US, anywhere from 100,000 to 250,000 American children are trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation per year.

Learn more about this crime and how pornography is connected to it. Download the free book, Stop the Demand.

  1. A mother who was molested as a child grows up to hate men has two boy’s who she verbally abuses there whole life. The boy’s struggle with relationships with woman go through 3 divorces turn to porn to vent there hate for woman. Evil circle.

  2. steven hurd

    This is very motivating to stop making excuses and instead be the biblical leader of my house. Thanks for posting it!!

  3. Donald

    Hi Luke & Anna

    Wow, I had no idea that I could listen to audio’s…cool.

    I have heard testimonies of others that were involved in the porn industry explain of the horrible things women have gone through. This is one of the things that help me in turning from this. It is such a powerful industry and the money that is being made is astronomical and it seems to have infiltrated everything in entertainment. One can have a buffet of porn right from the living room television. Our family has a filter put on the television and only my wife has the passcode…we even have a cut off at 10pm-8am. I wont bring up the cable company’s name, but they have a remarkable filter system that gives extreme detailed control to what is seen, even the names of the sexual explicit movies are blocked out. When we first got the cable system we were shocked on just how explicit the names of these porn movies were as you scroll down the guide. I was so amazed on how they commercialize young actresses in the descriptions. Surely many, if not all, of these girls are being victimized by the lure of stardom. I am ashamed that I have contributed (financially) to this industry, not a lot, many of it’s free to view. But, I did pay for some in the past and this I am sorry for and will not do again.

    Anyhow, Luke, I now see one of the tragic mistakes I have made in my fight to turn from this….battling in my mind. This is a mistake I now see I have been done. Having Covenant Eyes at the click of a button has been helping me. I can listen to the encouraging videos (and now audios) that keep me encouraged at certain times of the day. I first learned of Covenant Eyes through “Focus on The Family”, Dr. James Dobson’s group. I did not get it way back then, because I did not have the internet. Now that we do, I wished I had the internet way back to get this help I so desperately needed. Anna, I am so sorry what you went through and commend you speaking to us men. I have prayed for these women and men in this industry that are true victims. With the help of The Lord, I have turned away from this sin once and for all. So far I’m 6 days clean and counting. I can say that last year I went 111 days clean and I can remember as I start this year, I have a clearer thought life. It’s really weird how I can connect to the way I felt last year when I had gone without porn….I was sharper mentally and focusing was not a problem. Decisions were easy to make and my whole being seemed to be super charged….I once again feel this. With each day, I tend to think less of the struggle and I really owe part of this to Covenant Eyes and the things that are at arms length to read, listen and blog. Thanks for continuing to give the tools to help those of us that struggle. May God continue to bless the work both of you are doing.

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