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Christian Accountability: Getting It Right, Getting It Wrong, Knowing the Difference

Last Updated: February 29, 2024

When we want freedom from our nagging habitual sins, we often want a private solution to our seemingly private problem. We don’t want to involve anyone else. But what if the Bible doesn’t point us to private solutions? What if Christian accountability relationships are one of God’s ordinary means of changing us from the inside out?

Free Accountability Tools

Accountability Partner Checklist – A simple, one-page checklist of how to have an Internet accountability conversation.

Accountability Questions: Discussion Guide For Accountability Partners – A robust self-assessment for accountability conversations.

Getting Started with Accountability

10 Steps to Finding a Great Accountability Partner – A step-by-step guide to getting started.

The Pillars of Biblical Accountability – The biblical essentials to good accountability.

But I Can’t Find a Good Accountability Partner… – When you feel like you have nowhere to turn for accountability, this will give you a jumpstart.

The Radical Power of Accountability

Siren Song: Overcoming Pornography Temptations – Even ancient mythology tells us there’s more to accountability than behavior modification.

Porno, Saint Nate, and the Pirate Monks (8:25 video) – Nate Larkin tells the story how pornography and prostitutes nearly ruined his life and how dropping his Christian persona was vital for breaking free.

Girls Hooked on Porn: Battle Notes from a Weathered Fighter (5:28 video) – Liz Vogt shares about what it was like to be a woman addicted to porn and how getting honest with others was vital to overcome.

Going Deep with Accountability

3 Gospel Principles for Battling Porn Addiction – Accountability is not a satellite of the Christian life; it is integral to it.

More Than Porn: Accountability in the Gray Areas – Sin isn’t just about looking at naked people.

Beyond the Superficial: 7 Principles from Proverbs About Friendship – “You will not find the warrior, the poet, the philosopher or the Christian by staring in his eyes as if he were your mistress: better fight beside him, read with him, argue with him, pray with him.” – C.S. Lewis

#Fail: Getting Accountability Wrong

5 Reasons Why Christian Accountability Fails – Good accountability partners don’t just call you out on your sin. They call you up to the person you really want to be.

10 Reasons Why Accountability in the Church is Unpopular – Many Christians are never taught that sanctification is a community project.

Spouses and Accountability

Internet Monitoring Software: “Spying” on Your Husband – Four critical questions couples need to ask about Internet accountability in the home.

What Every Wife of a Sex Addict Has a Right to Know About Her Husband’s Recovery – Don’t neglect your marriage for the sake of your recovery.

Should my wife be my accountability partner? The experts give their answer (12:28 podcast) – Yes, you are accountable to your wife, but she is not your accountability partner.

Kids and Accountability

Accountable Kids: Explaining Covenant Eyes to Your Family (free e-book) – We must teach our kids: when you are at your best, plan for your worst.

3 Secrets to Raising Porn-Proof Kids – What you need to do is not cover your kids’ eyes but teach them to see. Install that software in their heads.

  1. I have a ministry that deals with helping others get free from addiction. I was a porn addict for many years and got free 23 years ago. I wouldn’t mind partnering with you somehow on software signups and subscriptions to your service. Also am writing a 40 days to freedom app and wondered if you’d like to colaborate

    • We’ll have someone get in touch with you shortly!

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