Protect Your Kids Meet Tom the Porn Addict
Protect Your Kids 0 minute read

How to Raise a Porn Addict: Are you making these parenting mistakes?

Last Updated: June 11, 2024

Now that the first of the Internet generation has entered adulthood, porn use has become more common than ever before. Old Internet filtering approaches aren’t enough anymore. Parents need to understand the problem and create an atmosphere of love and accountability in the home. The goal is not merely to keep kids safe online but train kids to become responsible adults.

(Don’t believe us? Learn the facts in the infographic below.)

Accountability software is a key tool parents are using to help their children become their own watchdogs online.


Thanks to Raph Howald for creating this infographic. Raph works at Youth With A Mission in Wollongong.

  1. Brock

    So here is an idea………. Lets all go share it!
    Thanks for the great info… You keep posting and lets all go share in the circle we are in.
    I send out a monthly newsletter to the parents of my preteen ministry with resources like this.
    Great stuff… Thank You!

  2. Absolutely, God bless you for taking the initiative & producing this.
    And your point that is being questioned?
    For sure! It’s just like the gospel, it’s only good news for those who get to hear it, and only brings freedom when it is received.

  3. Mike

    Thank you for working towards letting people know the truth. So many things on this site are really well done, and I am going to share this with others.

  4. Bronson

    Dave, I took it the same way as you did. And he makes a good point. The information needs to be shared to help more people.

  5. Dave

    The only problem with Mark’s comment is punctuation. He is saying the information on the site is of no value unless we disseminate it aggressively in an open way. Basically he’s saying the information is amazing but it does no one any good if it just sits on the site and is only read by a few. At least that is how I interpret it.

    • Perhaps it is just a punctuation issue.

  6. Mike

    I am sorry Mark but your comment is a little ridiculous… Covenant Eyes has a ton of resources that are helping people across the world. And… they are raising awareness on an issue that is severely hidden in the church. So please have something positive to say on her or don’t say anything at all.

  7. Mark Douglas

    Ease of pornography and it’s addiction is not discussed in any “open forum”. Hence, it remains an “invisible” and “private” addiction, with little chance, if any, for freedom of those so addicted.
    Information and resources provided by Covenant Eyes and their contributors is of absolutely NO VALUE. Unless, we who have been freed take the initiative, by and through God’s Holy Spirit, to not only disseminate this information, but aggressively promote and assist in the implementation an “OPEN FORUM DISCUSSION” through the churches. This will require sacrifice, pain and perseverance for those that are willing to take on this challenge. This is the life Jesus Christ promised his disciples, IF they were to follow him. As the conclusion of the movie “Courageous” poignantly addresses; “Who will stand and say, “I WILL! … I WILL!”. I WILL!!

    • Wow. No value, huh? Including the stuff we write that affirms the very ideas you are promoting? Please, don’t disparage every author here when you haven’t taken the time to read their material. Perhaps I’m misunderstanding your point, but why do you say our materials are of no value?

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