Protect Your Kids
Protect Your Kids 1 minute read

5 Things Your Teen Must Hear You Say about Porn

Last Updated: May 31, 2024

Unfortunately, too many teens today are getting their ideas about sex from porn—the worst kind of sex ed a child can get. For most, porn starts with curiosity, but for many it doesn’t stop with a few explorations. More than 9 out of 10 boys and more than 6 out of 10 girls see porn before the age of 18, and 35% of boys say they have seen porn “more times that I can count.”

Parents, you are the ones who stand in the gap. Remove from your mind any fears of telling them “too much too soon.” In this day and age, the world is already screaming sexual message at your children. The last thing your kids need is your silence.

In the teen years, candid conversations about porn are a must. Yes, Internet filtering and monitoring should go without saying, but more than good technology, your teens need to hear godly advice from you about the subject of porn.

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  1. Adriaan

    We have young children at home and would like to protect them from pron. We would like to know as much as possible to stay strong as a family. I know how easy it is to fall into porn.

  2. As a parent, we are to be a godly example to our teens. Especially in the area of sexuality. This includes how we respond to them.

    Although my parents meant well, they did not handle their discovery of my porn addiction well at all. Their fear drove them to react instead of respond. As a result of their attempts at correcting my problem, I learned how to bury it. Through lies, deceit and subterfuge I became adept at hiding my growing addiction so they wouldn’t find out and yell at me. This habit followed me into my marriage and created a 30 year addiction to porn. And no, I do not blame my parents.

    Today, through our ministry, we counsel parents to
    1) surrender that fear over to God, bathe the situation in prayer (seeking peace and wisdom),
    2) invest time in the Word of God to be sure their own relationship with Him is where it needs to be
    3) and then have an honest, heart-to-heart discussion with your teen.

    This will go a long way in developing that ever-so-important trust in you as not just their parent, but a godly friend who loves them no matter what.

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