Help Others Restore Integrity
Help Others Restore Integrity 2 minute read

When a City Says ‘No’ to Porn: Oklahoma City Taking a Stand Against Sexual Media

Last Updated: May 31, 2024

Recently, billboards have started cropping up all over Oklahoma City with three words on them, “She’s Somebody’s Daughter.” This campaign is raising awareness about how pornography and other kids of sexualized entertainment robs women of their dignity.

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin has proclaimed today, October 1, as “She’s Somebody’s Daughter Day” and urged citizens to take the time “to recognize and acknowledge the dignity of every woman and child.”

Tammy Stauffer, project manager for the She’s Somebody’s Daughter initiative, says, “By humanizing the issue in a way that encourages people to consider the girl being victimized and the girl behind the camera, we believe we can change the cultural tide for future generations.”

How to Become a “She’s Somebody’s Daughter” City

ssd_160x600_truth64081. Speak to the mayor about declaring a “She’s Somebody’s Daughter Day” in your city (if you live in the state capitol, speak to the governor’s office).

2. Work to get the local radio and TV stations to air the I Am Somebody’s Daughter PSAs.

3. Hold a meeting with concerned citizens groups to talk about ways to proactively respond to eliminating advertising that objectifies women from your community. Create a task force.

4. Speak to local shopkeepers and the local mall manager about the kinds of advertising images they use in their shop windows and display cases. Let them know that you will be spending your money in stores that refrain from using objectifying and highly sexualized images of women to promote their products.

5. Identify local agencies that fight against sex trafficking and provide people the opportunity to volunteer.

6. Raise money to put She’s Somebody’s Daughter billboards up in your city. Talk to local corporations that are interested in putting forth a positive image and helping in the community. Studies show that healthier, intact families are more prosperous. Show them how their support for this issue helps families and their bottom line.

7. Plan and create some live events to draw attention to the issue – a film screening, a concert, a “Safe libraries, Safe schools” event, or a candle lighting are just a few examples.

8. Speak to the local newspaper about doing a series of articles on pornography. There is a lot of current interest in the issue of sex trafficking. Encourage reporters to explore the demand side and the ties of pornography to sex trafficking.

9. Contact local churches and share the “Become a She’s Somebody’s Daughter” church page with them. Arrange for a Church Training Day. Have a speaker talk to church and community leaders about the resources that are available to help on this issue and how to use therm. Encourage pastors to consider preaching or doing a sermon series on ways churches should respond to the problem of pornography.

10. Speak to your employer about becoming a “She’s Somebody’s Daughter” business. Ask them about sponsoring a live event.

11. Hold a She’s Somebody’s Daughter 5k or 10k run to raise awareness on issue of pornography and its ties to sex trafficking and abuse. Donate the money you raise to local women’s shelters and safe houses.

  1. Erica Roberts

    Thank you for posting this article. I recently took a stand in our community about a highly sexual marque sign. It gained worldwide attention. I am glad it did. Thorough this event in my life, God is leading me into a ministry to helping sex trafficking victims and bringing the real down and dirty about pornography. My life from the small age of 3 was effecting by sexual immorality. God has given me a voice in this, but I am not sure how I am to use it specifically. All I know at this point it’s to speak out against sexual immorality. My heart is full of passion for the victims and their perpetrators. I feel not only do the ones being victimized need help but those who choose to watch the porn, read the porn, create the porn, trade women and children around the world, they too need to be ministered too. But first we have to change the hearts of society from dehumanizing porn to humanizing it…too humanize it means to get rid of it. Once the hearts of others feel just as outraged as myself and other victims then that’s when the Power Jesus can move in them. I just wanna be that vessel for The Holy Spirit to Move.
    Thank you for want you do and for posting this! ?

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