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Protect Your Kids 1 minute read

Kids and Pornography: Using Internet Accountability to Protect and Teach Your Children

Last Updated: April 5, 2024

Is it enough just to block Internet pornography from coming into your home?

The key question for parents is: Are we merely protecting our kids from temptation or are we preparing them to face temptation? If we are going to prepare them to eventually live as young adults in a world full of temptations, we need to train them to live in a world without fences, without filters.

We encourage all parents to watch the following video. It is about 19 minutes long. Take time to educate yourself about the dangers online and the proactive steps you can take to train your kids and teens to face them.

Sign up to get Internet Accountability and Filtering today!

  1. Ethia Elggren

    Thanks now I have control over the Internet thank you so much for your advice.

  2. Shelby Lynn

    man, i wish my parents had taken an active step in making sure i had no access to porn. im 15 now and i was addicted to porn after my cousin told me about sex when i was 9, and from then, i was CONSUMED. i was mostly in magazines dad had and any book i could find on sex, but i got internet things too eventually and to my shame. i loved porn. i wanted to partake in those things that were depicted, but aages 9-13, i couldnt get a boyfriend to do that, and i became utterly depressed. i tried suicide about 3 times, and many other things had piled up in my life, but thank god, my best friend was there, i spilled my guts to her back in 2009 and told her everything, and that night, she introduced me to Jesus Christ. He gave me freedom, and has made me pure again!!!!!! :) I am so proud to tell my story now, cuz Jesus Christ saved my life before i died in my sins. I love him with all my heart, and He is the ONLY one who can save this world. He’s the only one who can save kids around the world from going through my story or worse, and i just pray i can share my story with them and lead them to the one and only god. Thank you, Covenant Eyes for doing what you do :) GOD BLESS YOU! 1john3:1, Romans 8:1

    • scott

      That is a wonderful testimony! God has obviously done a great work in you. And will continue that work, He will keep changing you.

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