Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 2 minute read

Men are tempted to lust; Women are tempted to be lusted after

Last Updated: April 4, 2024

Men are tempted to give themselves to pornography, while women are tempted to pornography. – Al Mohler

Porn is a two-way street.

Pornography is not just about a man who is seeking a sexual object to devour with his eyes and heart.

It is also about a woman who wants to be “devoured” by the eyes of another man.

She may think it is more innocent than it really is, which is why one lady wrote to me, making an appeal to the Christian community.

She wants us to do more about revealing the whole truth about porn.

Let’s free associate: when I say the word “porn” or “pornography” what do you think about? I asked my wife this question and she said, “naked women.” I think most people would answer similarly.

One of the most misunderstood and unspoken perceptions about pornography is that it is mainly a problem isolated to the Internet, adult movies, and magazines. The problem with this kind of thinking is that it narrows the interpretation of porn to something that can marginalize the Bible.

While the Bible does not talk about porn the way we think about it and experience it today, it does talk about lust. And lust is the real issue. Once you re-categorize the problem from porn to lust, then the blinders come off and the breadth and severity of the problem is revealed. The Bible then becomes more helpful regarding this pandemic issue.

I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. – Matthew 5:28 (ESV)

What many women do not realize is that millions of husbands, fathers, brothers, and leaders are tempted to lust. We are either tempted by or we are yielding to lust throughout our day–willfully looking or tempted to look at scantily and tightly clothed women.

Most women do not belong exclusively to the private domain of the Internet or the adult movie world. However, they are not free from the responsibility regarding the porn problem. These non-triple X women are represented:

  1. On billboards
  2. In your innocent family magazines
  3. In ads for women’s underwear
  4. By the neighbor in shorts or sporting a tank top
  5. By wearing bikinis and even full swimsuits at the pool or on the beach
  6. By low necklines
  7. By the lady who sits in front of you at your local church
  8. In sports programs like tennis, beach volleyball, swimming, and figure skating
  9. By the local waitress at your favorite restaurant
  10. By the ladies in your small group

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